Don’t EXIT through the gift shop – the 5 steps to Freedom

Don’t EXIT through the gift shop – the 5 steps to Freedom

01 – FREE Food

02 – FREE Fuel / Power

03 – FREE Shelter

04 – FREE Medicine

05 – FREE Education

We have had a lot of requests to clarify the 5 steps to freedom and pointers on how to achieve from our system change program in 2019-2020, despite having ended our own projects, we agreed to post this summary of the 5 key steps for change. Most of these steps were dealt with on projects in details during our program though hopefully for those that were not able to engage then, you will find the pointers needed here.

So where next Columbus ?

…being vegan is just the moral baseline, it’s doing no harm or as little harm as we can but it’s nothing to be celebrated, it’s only the first slice of the pie. To really make a difference in this reality we need to engage in a resource based economy, not by joining this hub, or that project, but by networking our own freedom program. We have the free world charter which says it all but has no action plan for engagement . That is down to you to build, system change happens if you make it happen and only if you make it happen, no other way. Build the vegan resource based economy , build the free food highway and the people’s power network, or all that we try to do is meaningless…” (A.H.Kumafaro)

Struggling to see a way out of the rat race ? Recognising you don’t want to be there unlocks the door to leaving. It is down to you though to turn the key and make the change.

Not everyone can see the benefit of, or way to engage in system change, for the betterment of all beings, that’s ok, it just means that not everyone will be part of it. We have seen people , even volunteers,  struggle with the simplest of moral baselines and freedom concepts.

A lifetime starting with mothers pre-school values of sharing, caring and playing together is soon stamped out and ended by state education values of compete, snitch, bully and cheat, followed by voting for this war that war, this hate campaign that hate campaign, this tax cut that tax cut but never one for you, 40 years of jobs, pushing little buttons and pulling little knobs to pay the money god who takes everything and gives nothing, creates almost unassailable conditions in the mind to ensure most will just sit and rot in the cage of reality asylum that nearly all live in.

Don’t get caught, Don’t get bought,. Don’t EXIT through the gift shop. EXIT on your own terms. Whatever they are selling, nothing is as valuable as your divine human energy, your time, your life.

For those that are though seeking to be free here are the five steps to freedom and pointers on where to go and how to go about achieving them. Completion of these five steps ensures that you are able to live outside the system and will be able to pursue a meaningful creative and forward thinking existence.

The five steps to freedom are the practical solutions to being completely autonomous and cost free living from the state, combined with the ethics of the Vegan Resource Based Economy as outlined in the Free World Charter (Link below) is the moral baseline to any meaningful human existence on earth will build you a knowledge base and ethics

The moral baseline

Once you have the moral baseline, which is a pretty basic commitment to not cause harm to others, also known more popularly as ethical veganism, it is time to unlearn what the state has taught you and this comes from separating the real intrinsic value of how we live and what we do from the commercial monetised value or objectification and product.  Discard the latter and empathise with the former.

If life gives you lemons ? If the world grows you a lemon tree, in the VRBE we nurture the tree, harvest the lemons, use them to clean our homes as detergent and to activate charcoal to filter rain water and drink clean harvested free water. If you loose your job in the Monetised world and end up at the food bank and they give you lemons, use them to clean your house as detergent and to activate charcoal to filter rain water and drink clean harvested free water, congratulations you have made one step forward towards the VRBE.

Most though, even given the opportunity of unemployment, would still chose to ignore the lemons, drink the tap water, pay your water rates and chase a new job and that is what separates those that are open to change and those that are not, as Darwin quoted – It is not the strongest of the species that survive but rather the most versatile.

Lemons aside.. the 5 steps to freedom are as follows and we will tackel each one individually as few can tackle even two of them at once.


You need to eat, and you need to eat ethically (see free world charter) to engage positively and successfully in the VRBE. This means that you need to grow, it takes time to prepare ground, plant and provide a strong permanent all year round diet so first steps are nutrition and ground work.

The easiest nutrition guide for all ages, that can be learned, taught and shared we found is the Liz Cook charts and book, popularly promoted and used in the Centre for Alternative Technology, both i have listed here as in addition to food and nutrition, the CAT as they call themselves, will be a good contact spot for ideas and support as you move forward in the 5 steps program.

Liz Cooks Nutrition resources:

Centre for Alternative Technology:

Nutrition is important and is mis taught in state school, is mis represented in the NHS websites and is outdated and does not take into consideration , pollution, medication, poisoning, disease and deformity in the Animal Agriculture food chain, so unlearn all that unless you want to eat enslaved and mistreated animals with sores, cancers, cysts, infections, coronaviruses, poisoning, fetid decay and pharmaceuticals. So what about Fruit and Vegetables ? Green and clean ? well no, unfortunately not, shop bought crops are sprayed in raw sewage, Nano toxins, pesticides and water infected with fluoride, polio heavy metals and all manner of water borne misery.

If you wonder why the NHS would promote carcinogenic and sickness developing recipes and food recommendations on their website, then remember this simple statement – the “Health” Service ensures its longevity and profit lines, not by making people better, but on the contrary, by ensuring there continued sickness and wherever possible, continued consumption of pharmaceutical product.

Once you have got your head around basic nutrition you can look at taking it further with diet programs such as “Raw till 4” but it is not an essential step for VRBE just something to improve energy levels, performance and health which becomes more relevant in step .04 FREE Medicine.

Once Nutrition basics are in place though then we can prepare on the ground change to what you eat through what you grow. One of the biggest blockers we found in rolling out ground change programs was people living in flats or even on barge boats.

We were able to provide some support for flats, though the obvious issue is lack of reasonable growing space, for flat dwellers or recommendation was to engage with local growing projects to learn the ground skills such as “Grow to Eat”, “Vegan Permaculture Workshop” , “Woodland Woom” and “Crops not Shops”, though bear in mind that growing groups may not have an ethical mission statement that aligns fully with the ethical veganism of the Free World Charter, they may use pest control which destroys the biosphere, animal product such as fertilisers which of course carry the list of poisoning noted in the above and may not have the VRBE base moral commitment as laid out in the free world charter.

EXAMPLE of community growing project:

All that aside, the morals are down to each one of us to commitment to and promote so know the moral baseline but learn the growing skills.

For barge and canal folk we were able to get a program in place to use the river banks for potatoes, onions, nettles chard, spinach, figs, apples, pears  which were good with irregular watering and blended well on the banks attracting little attention and for river folk to grow micro greens on the boats, small, energy boosting and good in small spaces.

The second part of the solution for those in flats is to seek to relocate , by hook or by crook to a property with ground space, whether shared or owned or provided by local authorities which has happened in some growing projects to support the community. get your self to own ground.

Once you have ground space then go here and set up your space:

This link provides pretty much everything you need to set up all year round growing in any UK property with a garden space, from composting, initial set up, seasonal work and managing what you grow to harvesting.

02 – Free Fuel / Power

Fuel and power covers everything from hot water to diesel fuel. Obviously solar and wind generators are crucial to the power set up for homes though some of the load can be reduced by employing other techniques worth looking into here, with that in mind i have added some links and broken this down in to subsections:

Power : for the home

What type of Power and Where do you get it ? How do you get it ? What should you get and why ? Should you gut to insulate ?

We have taken extensive time looking at a number of energy solutions for you to explore in Free Fuel/Power, there are several options that are less accessible or practice though will touch on them here for diversity:

  • Bio Mass – Applicable to House, outbuildings, can be used for Agriculture though NO vehicle application  – wood pulp/ chip burnt in a off grid burner, very efficient , responsible cost effective though required buying form a corporate point of supply and locks you into a designated fuel source. sourcing your own wood fuel chipping/ pulping is an issue as the fuel is stored cured and delivered at an optimum level of moisture etc so that it burns efficiently, fueling the burner with untreated or self treated wood chip leads to residue and clogging to the burner and equipment that required increased maintenance or break down. very efficient and can get you off grid but you are still tied financially to a supply chain (Global Corporancy NOT RBE) The solution to the Bio Mass model is to back track, still using wood fuel but back track to wood burning stoves and rocket oven solutions
  • Bio Gas – Applicable to House, outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point)- Bio gas is driven by organic matter, waste, very useful for recycling house waste though the issue here again, like Bio Mass was clean fuel, you have to use a converter , which can be found in a home unit application, though reliable units are still in their infancy. large Bio Gas converters are excellent for animal waste processing, though housing animals to provide an accessible and collectible waste source requires unethical animal agriculture learning toward exploitation, which is out of step with Urban RBE .
  • Solar – Applicable to House , outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point) – Solar provides good return during daylight hours though is impacted by cloud cover and changing seasonal weather. There is also potential drop in output (though currently their are no statistics relating to impact) from geoengineering that reduces the amount of solar energy travelling through the atmosphere. Solar though is an excellent and stable power source. Output can be improved by investing in better yield panels and reducing load on the system.
  • Wind – Applicable to House, outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point) – Wind turbines subject to wind speeds, provides a good return though can create issue in densely populated areas due to noise levels from larger blades and turbines. Yield can be improved with stronger turbines and blade types. An alternative to Wind Turbines  are Wind Cubes, favored by the late Michael Green. As the wind passes through the Wind Cube covering, it becomes concentrated resulting in increased velocity that leads to more power generation, it is a better design for output and quieter for urban areas, though is relatively new and in limited distribution, so a developing power source rather than immediately available everywhere .

Our Favorites: 

Rocket Ovens: describes the Rocket Oven as: “A rocket oven is better than any other kind of oven. It does not have associated with it, the consequences of electric or natural gas ovens, which cause so much destruction and pollution by the nature of their fuel source. In comparison to a conventional wood fired cook stove or cob oven, a rocket oven burns clean and uses far less wood. The key component is the super insulated J tube burn tunnel. This allows the fire to get up to 1500 degrees F, which will burn all of the smoke and creosote. The heat then travels to the oven portion of the system where it heats the food. The oven portion can be designed so that the flue gases either interact with the food or not. The heat flows around the oven chamber, heating the insulated mass that surround the food. The coldest air flows out through the exhaust and up a chimney. Being insulated allows the oven to stay hot for a long while after the fire has finished burning. This design is made for indoor use but it could be used outdoors as well. A rocket oven is cleaner, more energy efficient, better for the environment and easier to fuel.”

Rocket Ovens are not the only worthwhile source of heating / cooking to look at. The most accessible system exit solution is an off grid corporation fitted solar / wind combination system to generate electricity powered more standard build, see the below link for battery storage and sourcing of efficient units

Other hot water / heating solutions  that we personally prefer are wood fired ovens, whether argor’s or open fire place with coiled copper piping flues, the main issue with this solution  for hot water is that the copper coils become pressurised so much have a pressure release value/ tank, if you build the system with a pressure release tank exporting to an insulated water tank (like we used to have before combi boilers) then you have some hot water storage in place and don’t have to limit usage to what’s available in the pipe.

techniques for copper coiling, bear in mind this is just the copper coiling , not the pressure management, that is to follow

Hot Water – in our projects our hot water source models came from Bio Gas sources on an animal sanctuary recycling animal waste to avoid building up a slurry of waste at the site. Waste through biogas comes out as natural gas with a by product of ready to ground fertilizer. The fertilizer is non acidic and much cleaner than using manure so can go straight on to ground, the gas with a tune can go straight to water heater boiler and drive showers. It is an excellent solution of you have available animal waste and in a future paradise, every home toilet could be fitted with a mini biogas engine for processing human waste straight to house gas without any waste product going to sewage whatsoever. during out projects we partnered with Economad and UCL for technical expertise and would recommend anyone looking to build a high volume engine to look at partnerships and grants to do so, rough cost to fund a high capacity Bio Gas engine (say two properties hot water system) would require an outlay of around 8k GBP.

Our more humble but preferred basic solution to hot water see’s us return to an adaption on the Rocket Oven idea being a Rocket oven water heater. This method is a firm favorite for zero cost in making hot water whilst doubling up with cooking, heating in an efficient established design.


Solar – 

We have covered Solar in great detail in previous posts, the recommendation is to source your battery banks using reclaimed lithium batteries as shown below and over fit for higher than need capacity; be off grid completely.

Fitting knowledge can be acquired through renewables engineering study, or you can, pre off grid. focus on raising funding to buy in a system out of the box.

Building your own off grid solar power system is obviously a first deliverable though the purpose of shared power requires networking your solution to others. The VRBE solution to ending corporate domination of the energy market likes in shared power systems called the People’s Power Network.

Insulation ? – Absolutly recommend insulation  though we do not as yet have a fully insulated site so are still in research stage for best solution.

So far we would recommend a superFOIL full box (floor, wall, roof) insulation though bear in mind the following, you will need to allow airflow of around 50mm between superFOIL and floor/walls to manage humidity, in addition a full box will provide EMF / RF dampening which WE seek to achieve. Communications , where required, for us, would always be outside and isolated from main living areas, as we seek to isolate all forms of non ionizing radiation from living areas simply for personal comfort and a clear head,.

Alternatives for insulation, if you don’t want EMF / RF dampening in your living space, or cannot get your living space realistically box insulated due to, well living in it and being stuffed to the seams,  well you are back to the old school loft insulation .

WHICH website takes you through the old school options in the below link:

Fuel – Vehicles OK, but what about Generators ?: We have covered plastic waste reclaim fuel for vehicles, it is important to note though that it is uneconomic in terms of fuel energy consumption to create waste plastic fuels for generators. The purpose of creating fuel  from plastic waste for vehicles is to have vehicle mobility without financial outlay, though you will expend higher resource of wood fuel to create diesel / petrol so pointless to use this for generators.

take a look at distilling fuel from waste for VEHICLES here:

and here is the process mapped out to better understand what you are trying to achieve.


Shelter , for our projects, is what people struggle with most of all, it requires the biggest outlay whether through paying down mortgage debt, securing funding for land either on your own or collectively or converting what assets you have to sufficient value  to purchase a site that can can provide security long term.

The freedom is not in being offered shelter at this time, it is in securing shelter that is free of ongoing system commitments either financially or through supply such as water or power once the sites are financially secured.

the program looks for people that are seeking to exit system dependency and invest what remaining financial assets they have into land and equipment assets then committing that or elements of that into collective share for the benefit of all engaged parties with no fiancial exchange

The issues of nomad life, van life, squatting are that any power or food systems are constantly low out put / size and potentially due to mobility and security, at risk. Unfortunately due to a system committed voting and tax paying majority, our land has lords and there is no way around establishing a permanent scaled VRBE abode without securing land rights from land owners and becoming a land owner your self.

We have seen people accelerate the process of land acquisition by moving out to Central Europe, United States and Central America basically cashing in UK assets for cheaper accommodation overseas.

Once your land debt is paid, by whatever means, you have established free shelter, so far there have not been any successful VRBE community sites that are in line with the free world charter due to participants not respecting the moral base line. there are though many communities out there that have elements which may be open to ethically upgrading though we , personally, would not engage with unethical partnerships for shelter.

Our feed back on Shelter generally is that people do not want to share resources, the values of care share and together that we are all taught to behave by in kindergarten or as a toddler at home, have all but been forced out of  adults we have engaged over the concepts of the program when it comes to Shelter.

State education has all but eradicated the values of community and mutual assistance, which is why the VRBE has to be tied to such a clear moral baseline. There are choices for humans in life, to either get rich or try sharing.

The future of humanity’s evolution as well as the value or not, of any ongoing existence of humanity comes down to that simple choice. Greed, selfishness, single view living are Devolving Qualities whereas sharing, caring , engaging and working together are Evolving qualities.

The VRBE is an evolving program, whereas the system, as it stands in it’s pyramid power structure, is a devolving program.

The next steps with Shelter are to make the abode as energy efficient as possible, for this reaching out to Utility Free Living and consultancies such as Bioregional (Links and features below) will provide some excellent ideas to making this possible



The first aim in FREE SHELTER is to create self-sufficient buildings, whether using water and sewage waste grey water systems, or renewables only energy consumption and independent off grid from any utility.

The second aims to build communities though collective reinvestment or shared resource donations that can benefit from programs such as the Peoples power network (hence the Elmsbrook feature above showing that this second objective can be achieved commercially so there is no reason why it cannot be achieved through a collective investment from VRBE)

Some of the techniques shown here in the Manchester project, such as the linked sink to toilet system (grey water recycling) is shown here,  it also touches on airflow instead of central heating and this kind of work can be done on a much lower budget than discussed in the below link, though interesting to see this in a restoration of a Victorian property.


The corner stone of VRBE medicine is preventative health. This starts with the basic ethics which puts people on a vegan lifestyle but then expands to home growing (free food) so basically toxin free organic food . both of these steps are covered in detail in the documentary (Netflix) – What the Health

Once the basics of better cleaner food for our bodies has been addressed, the next steps are understanding the medicine of plants and the use of herbs and tinctures to boost immune system and prevent illness.  Plants such a Herb Robert and Ginger have a huge variety of health boosting properties.

For FREE medicine we start with recommending Dr Michael Gregor’s book   ,  This is essential practical life knowledge that needs to be put in to practice daily/

FREE medicine also follows the premise that most psychological struggles that people face are tied to their living circumstances and interaction with the state.

Where exiting the state for freedom based living and improved health function and nutrition doesn’t resolve core medical concerns, a deeper use of plant medicine can be sought, such as

Reference books:

– Wild Remedies – How to Forage Healing Foods and Craft Your Own Herbal Medicine

– The Herbal Remedy Handbook

– Tonics and Teas (Rachel de Themple)

These books are selected as they focus on foraging mainly and core basic remedies. As the ground and growing process moves forward, essential herbs can be introduced easily so these form a good selection for basic herbology.

There are other medicinal , more powerful herbal remedies of course that people can explore in greater details for specific conditions, though these can be approached in people’s own medicinal journey’s subject to need.

For example the below link looks at remedies for anxiety for example

Also related to health, is cleanliness, natural solutions to cleaning products, disinfectants , shampoos , washing products.

05 – FREE Education

The most notable part of FREE education is all of the above, the knowledge of how to live outside of system dependency and control in every way realistically possible. Following that is the knowledge of the seasons, how to read the land, the skies and any changes therein, the actual state education program of say mathematics, language, history, science etc is extremely basic though what stands out is that all knowledge relating to nature and the environment we live in is excluded from core curriculums all over the country and it is this that is telling.

There is no interest in state education circles in building genuine support for the principles laid out in the Free World Charter which are essential for human society to live, not only harmoniously in the world but also to take responsibility for human society, to shepherd, and nurture a world for all beings to flourish in.

Within the private education sector, there is some scope for these value sets, though private education is not accessible for all. With that in mind and within the five steps to freedom, is a commitment to educate our young folk not only in retaining the values of care share and together, in embracing our moral baseline of ethical veganism and global stewardship and responsibility as laid out in the Free World Charter ,but also in the knowledge of food and fuel, power and shelter, in herb, and medicine.

The differences between Ethical Vegan Resource Based Economic education program and state education programs –

1 – Ethical Vegan values are the core morals for all, rather than including veganism as part of state educations diversity program
2 – RBE promotes the values of sharing, caring and team engagement for the benefit of building an ethical alternative society through shared resources rather
than the values of competition, tested grading and preparation for standard working life
3 – RBE education is home, family led through supporting engagement rather than eductor lead by institutions

To close , please review these links and consider whether you want to break the mould that society has cast you in, and instead of the Get Rich Me myself and I culture of all governments and state institutions , take the ideology of the VRBE onboard and get back to Care, Share and together, these are values for not only for us, but are first thought in all our relationships with others, whether human , animal or the world we share  and in our commitment to reject and push back all that do not meet the simple moral baseline that is laid out in the Free World Charter.


So long and thanks for all the tofish – 1984 No More

So long and thanks for all the tofish – 1984 No More…

FISHINABOX RECORDS Creative Collective finally disbanded in 2019 following the passing of Michael Green and prior to that Zainab Sheikh.

The remaining members of the group had been engaged in both community action and creative projects and music re-releases from time to time, tailing off in late 2020 for the most part, despite the end of the project, the collective decided to leave the page open, for any contact reasons or potentially amazing ideas worth a looking at in the “no future” that we now exist in .

The Collective, was part of the unity movement under the values of the free world charter and to the active delivery of community development programs to build ethically sound action groups.

The Collective was directly opposed to all forms of government and institutional social governance, manipulation and exploitation of animals earth and humanity, profit based manipulation, exploitation and corporate dominance or any other form of one-upmanship and elitism that has been founded from a pyramid power structure.

The Collective community action sought to find a better way and the ability to engage and inspire others equally to support and invest in the resource based economy change program .To ensure folk had a way to stop their dynamic human energy being traded for something as fundamentally creatively limiting, and, pointless as the pursuit of money, banality and garbage and to instead find a way to invest their collective energies directly in positive global change.

The Collective, Calgary to Beijing, Bangkok to Damascus, Gaza to London, Hong Kong to Las Vegas, Manchester to Montana, Tehran to Tokyo, Shanghai to Amsterdam was a global, diverse, multilingual, multiracial, sociable, ethically driven, questioning and engaging, and advocate for the programs of vegan permaculture and growing, the RBE Network, the free world charter, utility free living and the peoples power network.

So Where next Columbus ?

A few pointers on this post to check out, look into them, don’t look into them, it’s all about you now.

Any last words ? Well,  Just the obvious that seems to be constantly overlooked..


There is no authority but yourself.

It’s all about YOU and what YOU do now.

So long and thanks for all the tofish – 1984 No More

FISHINABOX Zeitgeist the ALBUM Digital release


FISHINABOX Zeitgeist the ALBUM Digital release

The album collects core social change statements from FISHINABOX to open the listener to a path of genuine cultural behavioral evolution, and to move away from the investment for return based (self serving), barter and trade, repetition of failed social change concepts, “anti system with no implementable solution” behaviors that have stopped people in their tracks time and time again from evolving.

Since Michael Green’s passing  in 2019, the group has looked at other community activists and partnerships to build on RBE education. Members of the group through 2020 have been involved in engaging in a number of (on the surface), change programs, from food systems, to power sources, to education /community growth. Yet all direct partnerships we invested in, despite wanting to promote the free world charter the RBE and the five steps to freedom, were not actually committed to the moral baseline of change, being unwilling to commit to the implimenting the actual core values of the free world charter.

For 26/9 last year FISHINABOX presented Michael Green’s Art for a sustainable world under an event called MG 269, to educate and unify community action under the free world charter, and the RBE . Excellent networking was achieved in power systems and renewable energy backers from the event and remain open to future community development programs.

In additional community groups linked up to plant and grow food together at the event.

For the actual show itself we put together a soundtrack for “art for a sustainable world” with Michael Green’s former work. Christine Thindi who had also worked with Michael for the Zeitgeist addendum project in 2013 supported with material for the soundtrack. Most of the Zeitgeist album release is drawn from this event.


Financial troubles everywhere
give you no time to be aware
of what it is that causes it
and it all seems so legit
indoctrinations keep you caught
in a state of fearful thought
Money makes the world go round
It’s what keeps the food abound
keeps us clothed and in a home
without it, streets we’d have to roam
sleep on the pavement, starve to death
feel misery till our last breath
We bear the drudgery we hate
because we think that it’s our fate
We have to keep a job or two
enough banknotes will see us through
will pay the taxes and the bills
bliss awaits beyond the hills
make more money to get by
but guess what? It’s all a lie!

We could feed 12 billion souls
if markets didn’t block the flow
Money causes suffering
destroys your soul and everything
the planet is about to die
economic growth has to be high
exploitation is a must
if profits are not to go bust
What is the use if very soon
Earth will look like its own moon
your children will not have a future
just because your lifestyle suits ya
but look at it, does it make you happy?
Or do you feel stressed and rather crappy?
Our offspring raised by institutions
no time and strength for resolutions
families are ripped apart
and so is everybody’s heart
Suppressing who we really are
spreads depression near and far
You are a slave to this whole thing
full of worry and suffering
Half the world has it even worse
they always have an empty purse

But did you know, there’s a better way
where no one can be led astray
where everyone on planet Earth
lives healthy, happy right from birth
no stress, no force, no crime, no war
where all our spirits are free to soar
Technology will do the jobs
robots won’t turn into mobs
most work’s already automated
so why not call the rest outdated?
Let’s just end the reign of money
and we’re not trying to be funny
Without it we will all be wealthy
happy, free and very healthy
Follow our passions every day
with no pressure of earning pay
Saving the planet in the process
that is what is called REAL progress
All we need to set us free
is a Resource-Based Economy !


Who actually gives a fuck about the waste of resources, and the way that the technology is being used to manipulate vast amounts of human beings into war, violence, into the belief that the way we live now is the way that it will always be.

If we use our technology and science, allied with nature for the benefit of all human beings, rather than the bottom line of the corporation, which is money, our behaviors would change.

The first thing that most of the activists involved with the zeitgeist movement and the Venus project would say is that it is about becoming better educated and learning about scientific application for the benefit of all human beings, I’m not a scientist, I don’t have to be a scientist, it’s about understanding the scientific method, it’s not about our ego, access to the basic necessities, without recourse to subservience, credit , debt, barter, or any other monetary form then our behaviors will change.

It is only this monetary system that is fueling war and rampant consumerism.

Fresco is one of those people that I have been made aware of in the more recent years of my life, Buckminster Fuller is one that I have come across, Nikolai Tesla and you know Peter Joseph behind the Zeitgeist movement, If we use our technology and science, allied with nature for the benefit of all human beings, rather than the bottom line of the corporation, which is money, our behaviors would change.

In addition to the MG269 event, The Album collects the Japan elements tracks, the complete WATER suite and no subscription to your paradise


Planet water, endless memory,. earth’s water is older Than the sun.
it understands the ancient mysteries,
it has the answers to life’s questions and is the building block of all existence
water that exists in all three states, air solid liquid yet returns unchanged
water that exists in all three states, air solid liquid yet returns unchanged
The sun, 4.6 billion years old, predates all the other bodies in our solar system.
The water we drink here on Earth is even older.
it understands the ancient mysteries,
it has the answers to life’s questions and is the building block of all existence
Planet water, endless memory,. earth’s water is older Than the sun.

Water, the Heart of Life.
Water, mater creator and matrix,
Water, mother and medium.
water, enabler of life
Water, building block of all existence
water, recorder, narrator and yet, the mysterious
water that grows when freezing yet everything else shrinks

water than purifies itself even from toxic waste every 25 metres as it falls
Water is life and so Life is water
never let it be forgot..
We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one.
Planet water, endless memory,.
Planet water, endless memory,.
Planet water, endless memory,.
Planet water, endless memory,.



(楽園への拒絶 – Japan REMIX 2015)

I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to stop freely and wonder under falling cherry blossom, as i pass through the garden of life , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.

NO subscription to your paradise.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to you paradise.

I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.

The Album is out on Digital from Spring globally, and a CD release of the event soundtrack is also available through FISHINASHOP here: MG 269 Event Soundtrack CD album in eco digi packaging | Etsy




Putting Diesel back on the map ?

That is the unpopular choice these days right ? We should be moving away from fossil fuels, but where has this thinking even come from ? Especially after corporate interests in fossil fuels and the global media marketing machine has been slamming electric cars as a joke for over 100 years, oppressing the support in developing a market for electric vehicles, hindering progress all the way down the line whilst promoting thier own corporate interests in “dirty” fuels from oil and gas, until the skies and earth are so clogged and smogged that the general public finally have taken notice and a deal had to be brokered between all financial parties.

Like all great ideas though, the electric car market has now well and truly had  its cash injection, and that money has reached the powers that be and now buy’s favours in the halls of power and the halls of power have printed up the official version and that is that fossil fuels are the problem and electric, the NEW money, is the way forward.

A hard game for legislators to play when the oil industry has been bank rolling governments for decades right ?


Oil and Gas appear (from the money changing hands in the financial press such as FORBES and other money papers) to have been bought off with the the world economic forums “covid great reset”, (convenient and well timed, how did that happen eh ?) that’s a rough guide PPE profit return to the plastic industry of 75 billion dollars every quarter (pay off) to make plastic screens and PPE useless junk (future landfill), the required use of a business cost legislated by the sham governments of the world to ensure the money keeps rolling in line with expectations so that the petroleum industry can sit back, with the pay off, as new money carries on oil and gas turn a blind eye to the electric vehicles industry. Its a done deal and everyone’s happy right ?


Electric cars, clean, money making luxury vehicles guaranteed for every business middle manager with a car deal,  tax breaks, no emissions, no congestion zone controls etc in a Tesla,. even has vegan leather upholstery, what’s not to love ?

Vegan cars, definitly a step forward though despite popular opinion in the non vegan World that fossil fuels are not vegan, fossil fuels are not exploitation of animals , nor is it the use of animals either, fossil fuels are the compressed biodiversity of millions of Years of geological History, thats all biodiversity, mostly plant matter, so don’t get lost on it, running a car on fossil fuels is not a vegan debate.

Electric cars, amazing, though the industry  drivers of “climate change” that gave them credibility on the market place are less amazing and more about following the money.

Despite all the climate change legislation, the World Economic Forums New plant meat farming revelations, David Attenborough saying fossil fuels is the end of life on earth but it’s “ok” to eat fish (fail) after filming dead oceans, (as long as you don’t eat too many,) that climate change agenda focus on vehicles really impacts only 4 % of the global emissions problem and is more about shifting public opinion to new products and markets instead of addressing Methane over and above Carbon as the Big scary sequel real planet killer in the climate change saga.

Compare the World Economic Forums “climate” green wash Carbon numbers to Cowspiracy stats which pinpoint 51 % of global world wide greenhouse emissions being attibuted to farming animals (32,000 million tonnes of CO2 per year) and that climate change is just a misnommer for Government sanctioned and legislated corporate profiteering through exploitation” and then you get back to car emissions at 3-4% of greenhouse gases being really, actually meaningless in terms of active actual change to reduce global emissions.

Carbon, why is it even an issue anyway ? Plants and trees breathe it in right and breathe out oxygen so what’s the issue ?

Oh yeah the forests and trees were all burned and cut down to put animal slaves on that were breed artificially by thier billions and then sent to death in the animal holocaust slaughterhouses and gas chambers to fuel western obesity….Add Methane to Carbon as an émissions issue with animal farming ..

There is so much focus on Oil and Gas and changes in the automobile industry, any only lip service to sea life drowning in thier billions from animal waste being pumped into the sea,  along with methane from those same animal slaves and yet despite 2 years of Pandemics / Plandemics (depending on your take on it all) caused by people eating the rotting bodies of  diseased farmed animals en mass, yet not one legislated control on the disease driving meat industry has been even presented.

When the CDC Said the highest point of transmission for covid avian flu’s was from the skin of dead fish and chicken against plastic cellaphane packaging, did anyone stop and go damn, time to go vegan ? No the standard response was, eat the infected corpse anyway but wash your hands and wear a paper surgeons mask that won’t stop any transmission whatsoever …

Did IQ’s suddenly drop over night ? Did you ever meet anyone who got covid from eating a banana ?

Call out the legislators, the Economic aids, the covid planners and the money markets that profit from gambling with extinction and diesease for profit, they are not fit to govern anything, certainly not life on this planet with thier own insatiable greed.

Disease by design or just endless cost cutting in the animal slave trade leading to scaled sickness as a norm ? Yet despite oil and gas being the least of the emissions issues out there, Animal Agriculture the BIG bad, remains the white elephant in the global climate change room ! That’s the usual double standards and hypocrisy from the global corporatocracy who gamble with our future.

The stats are always skewed, the meat industry says they are responsable for only 14.5% of Global emissions and oil and gas at 18%,. Oil and gas says they are at 1-3% of global emissions but animal agriculture (methane farts basically) at 28% and so it goes on and on. The bottom line is that we are all talking about dirty heavy oils, emissions and tar sands etc which is the reason why electric cars are the “official” solution to reducing global rising emissions and that is most likly the case because Meat and Dairy pay more in government and senator lobbying than the oil and gas industry along with an element of cultural and class rascism over who owns the oil and who owns the cattle.

So electric cars are the future now, and every one is after a Tesla…

nice work if you can get it..

The problem arrives when every one below the middle management employment bracket is getting fined for driving whatever they can afford, and small business and the regular jane and joe on the street are being penalised for running “dirty” heavy oil vehicles. in the age of “climate change”, what awful awful people right ?


As all eyes are on the electric car market, another great pollution issue for our planet, as well as animal agriculture, gets sidelined .. and that pollution issue is plastic.


Plastic, the biggest consumer waste pollution issue for society to tackle,  or as WE know it in the Vegan RBE, solid form FREE diesel fuel .

Ask yourself why anyone would want to lobby Government to clean up plastic rather than push for conversion ovens and clean it up ourselves, and then use it to drive our fossil fuels vehicules ?

What would happen to oil and gas drilling if nobody used a service station anymore ?

What would happen to levels of plastic waste around the globe if we were using it in our vehicles ?


The public climate change charities, the eco environmental groups, the green wash corporations, all keep plugging the reduce plastic program, its for YOU YOU YOU to reduce your consumption of plastic , yet governments all around the globe are legislating the use of more and more plastic for covid PPE, whilst doing nothing to return use of glass bottles, paper bags and remove all plastic wraps.

Lobbying the government fails to connect the dots that:

– All Governments are funded by oil and gas. They want you to consume plastic
– No Governments have dealt with pollution, Government will ONLY deal with plastic pollution when they are ready to return it to reclaim diesel fuel and resell it to you , the public as a profit and tax deal for central and when oil and gas are well and truly paid off for any restrictive legislation

Do you really just want to give away 6 billion tonnes of FREE solid form diesel fuel anyway ?

Lobbying Government to clean it up means you loose it all and you will most certainly pay the bill for the clean up, as well as buying back that same plastic again later in service stations After “recycling” back to fuel.

How much plastic did you say is out there to reclaim anyway ?

6 billion tonnes of plastic waste

6 billion tonnes of plastic waste, that’s a lot of plastic,  enough to meet the global diesel fuel consumption for 2.7 years before the planet is clean and the waste has been reclaimed. Post all plastic pollution clean up the industry can continue through recycling, collection networks can supply direct to plastics reclaim tech ensuring no plastics pollution issue EVER again.

Most pressure groups such as XR want to the government to get involved and reduce plastic pollution.

Where do WE go as people to get this right when the climate activists are hand in hand in the same game as the legislators ?

Plastics reclaim tech units for every home Can be made for 660 USD each per unit per house. We can recycle our own plastic and have free reclaimed diesel fuel and that means No service stations, no more oil and gas drilling and no more petrol stations again ever.

So check the pay off – electric cars and zero plastics pollution clean up, or, reclaim diesel fuel and global plastic pollution clean up.. there is always a choice on the best way to go though plastics reclaim fuel can be done on a house by house level and without corporate and government engagement.

All Governments, left wing right wing, all of them, have attempted to block patents for plastic reclaim tech to be made available to the general public. All financial transactions made by Government are done using taxes and funding from corporations, donors, Governments don’t have any other money .

It’s Time for a bit of the old anarchpunk mindset of just do it yourself. We don’t want to pay the bill to clean up corporate mess under a Government recycling dictate , or be pressured by green wash climate change movements that work hand in hand with those that profit from the problem in the first place. No TAX Should be taken from workers labour to fix this.

Disengage with corruption and engage in communities to improve our lives , the lives of animals around us and repair the earth by pressuring for patent clearing for plastics waste reclaim tech instead and where that is stonewalled then build the conversion ovens ourselves, (see the how to videos or contact the utility free living website ) free the fuel for the people and start the clean up for the planet.

Consider again the absolute necessity of refusing to vote, pay taxes, and to instead engage in the movement that is actually promoting proper ethical management of our planets resources, whether natural or waste including plastics reclaim tech.

The Vegan Resource Based Economy and the Free World Charter

Tired of waiting on legislation changes and patents to manage your own resources ?

Wan’t to get into the nitty gritty of building your own oven for your community, then take a look at the below “Make your own FREE Diesel from waste plastic videos”

The science works, and patents for home sizes units for houses, schools offices , every building have been pushing for patent sign off for over 15 years.

So remember

You are told to reduce plastics bags and plastics single use, Governments and pressure groups are very keen to tell you to reduce plastic, they are though asking YOU to reduce your solid form diesel free fuel whilist promoting a global plastics PPE program that is utterly useless in the management of the control of diseases.

a case of hypocrisy and double standards from central once again.

That solid form diesel fuel (plastic waste) yet this can be converted back to vehicle grade petrol by a machine the size of an oven (built and tested by Ito in Japan in 2003), patents have been blocked over and over again by oil and gas. It’s been patented, you can have one in every building and drop your plastic straight in it and our the petrol straight in your car .no Waste. No pumps no plastic no Oil drilling and no money to Government lobbyists or oil and gas industry to do it for you.

So should we really be going electric ? It’s obviously a good step if organic, but not by using the strong arm of legislation to demonize existing vehicles and force a shift from one fuel type to another.

Many of these lobbyist  / recycling plans or save the planet schemes are obsessed with demonising diesel, a free fuel waste solution instead of differentiating what’s good and bad about it by pinpointing the source of the fuel between waste reclaim and oil and gas drilling.

XR, Green party, you name it,all lobby Government to clean up pollution rather than actually doing litter picks, building oven sites and distributing free reclaimed diesel fuel themselves.

Read between the lines, avoid the false prophets and sham deals that put money back into industry and governement, be aware of legislation like ULEZ  here in London that are scams to demonise vehicles based on age, manufacturer and cost.

Pollution controls on vehicle emissions are class war –

When a pollution control scheme lets a 5.8 Litre Mercedes drive around London for free but bans a 2 litre transit van or charges fines for travelling in the zone, ask your self the question why.

There is a place for both Heavy Oil vehicles and Electric, Electric is cleaner obviously but the impact of emissions on vehicles is only a quarter of the oil and gas problem and oil and gas pollution is only 1/4 of the pollution created form eating animals across the globe.

If global climate pressure groups and governments REALLY wanted to fix climate change they would end the Meat and Diary industry, support the public in transition to plant based / vegan diets, remove the brakes on reclaim waste fuel oven tech and allow it to go to market and leave the people to start the bulk of the plastics clean up themselves through recycling.

How far can plastics reclaim tech go without corporate intervention,. well heres some other uses of fuel from plasstic trash that people may not have thought about

Disengage yourself from Government sham policies , ignore the corporate media machine, get your own communities putting oven tech together whilst patents are struggling for sign off and stat cleaning up your home areas and producing you own fuel.

Its time to recongnise that industry and government fail the people and the planet and we need to just get this done ourselves with out them.

Liberate our waste resources for recycling.

Plastics reclaim tech should be available for all of us.


Rocky Benderskum with crops NOT shops at The Retreat Animal Rescue Vegan Sanctuary

Rocky Benderskum with crops NOT shops at The Retreat Animal Rescue Vegan Sanctuary

A big shout out to the Crops not Shops Tribe I’d tag you all but I’m a benderskum and that’s way too complicamated for me so instead have a pome xx

Crops not shops:

I want to introduce these folks they really are the tops
A proper growing community they call it Crops Not Shops
They’ve been around in Essex helping people grow
For food is a right for all of us something you should know
In gardens, allotments and a nursery and now down on an animal farm
Though not where they breed the animals for food these are safe from harm
The place near Ashford in deepest Kent is a place that’s hard to beat
A wonderful Animal Sanctuary beginning with Retreat
I went along to give advice? That’s all I have the strength to give
I loved the way the animals are and how they get to live
The poly tunnel frame put up by a valiant bunch of workers
While I sat down and watched because trust I’m a proper shirker
If my body wasn’t so broken I know I could be handy
But this is the body that I’ve got so sitting down is dandy
So all I can do is sit and watch and try to give advice
I’d be helping if I had different one you needn’t ask me twice
So all I can do is write this stuff and watch the world go by
As the poly tunnel is constructed under the bright blue sky
The farm itself is brilliant the staff were all amazing
It’s lush to see happy animals wandering around and grazing
They have a thrift shop and a café with vegan friendly food
I never mentioned my cannibal diet as it seemed a little rude
I know that I will go back down to help whenever I can
I’ll probably grab a plate or two of that lovely vegan scran
The farm is very popular as its one of those special places
When some of the visitors find its vegan food the looks upon their faces
One thing I really liked to hear was none of the food is ever wasted
Because they have pigs to eat the scraps but never themselves to be tasted
Now back to the tribe and the growing of crops when the poly tunnel is built
Organic vegetables and maybe fruit filled up to the hilt
And a biogas digester but I’m not really sure what that is
I was told but it went right over my head

its ok I can give it a miss…
For I’m a simple benderskum and there are some things I know
One of them is Crops not Shops is a thing that is bound to grow

Who is Rocky  ? Ethical Vegan AF, Ex-tramp, Ex-teacher, Ex-tremely inappropriate Scribbler of scribbles and writer of similar
Anarchist Geriactivist who once stood for Parliament..

Rocky, a supporter of the cause,  joined the crops NOT shops crew at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary all weekend to lift spirits and entertain us all while we greased poles, banged nuts and rode around in tractors and diggers looking like we knew what we were doing…

Thankfully we did and the muck piles some touching 10 metres into the sky, 18 metre squared plot land was leveled, poly-tunnel frame erected and the irrigation trenches cut

So where have we got to ?

The frame and channels are done, water storage tank are on site and ready, the poly tunnel cover is on, though needs door frames around the front and final securing to be done, drainage needs setting back into the tunnel and plant in our crops for 26/9 event.

Biogas chamber is marked out and the prints are being finalised to build the biogas digester engine which will be feed from manure and convert into natural gas to power the chalets heating and hot water, as well as a by product of 200 Litres of liquid organic fertiliser

crops NOT shops are now raising funding for completion of the Retreat Sanctuary site. We have had amazing response from our seed search and have heirloom organic seeds for planting over winter crops at the site, now we need to get the Retreat base humming.

So what do we need funding for now ?

– We need to plant heirloom fruit trees, around 12 for the fruiting area

– We need a power inverter and lithium battery to be funded to hook up 10 ready to go solar panels that we have to start generating power for The Retreat and drive gas and water pumps.

– We need some irrigation arms to link to the tunnel tanks and overhead water storage tanks and a computer controlled timer to regulate watering cycles day and night to keep all crops in prime health

– We need to build a 12 foot fence to protect the whole site from Chickens, too ensure the crops get to maturity  without being ransacked by the chickens, you may laugh but it is not just a poultry affair, last chicken invasion cleaned out a complete crop of rainbow corn in 25 minutes…..

To complete this site to perfection, we will need to raise a further £ 1,000.00 from the Community.

We need your support.

What you will be investing in is a fully automated fully functioning organic free food system for the animals, for the people and for The Retreat.

As a centre of the Ethical Vegan movement, the crop NOT shops project directly strengthens the Retreat’s long term self sustainability goals and takes pressure of the team there in using up donations for food and power which could otherwise be used on infastructure.

if you are able to help financially in investing in the project to get this site completed please do so using the below link:

crops NOT shops ON THE DIGGER – What did you learn today ?

Next Up was Lunch and more of Rocky Benderskum:

Rocky, as well as everything else, also has donated some of his books to crops NOT shops to resell to raise funds.

The books will be available to Purchase at the RBE Network event “MG 269” detaisl of the event in the below LINK:

These books are a must have insight into the anarchist scribbling of time and experience, from political activism, to rough sleeping, the big issue, journeys to the inner mind and all the stories interwoven by all.

take a look see..

Peaked your interest ?

Click on the below link and then look for the crops NOT shops logo, that will take you to the Facebook page then post a comment to order (Beware if you read to much, your ban will turn to mush…)..


What to know more about Rocky’s antics ? did he tell you about the time he stood for Parliment ?


oh, we almost forgot lunch..

Jamie on the volunteer crew knocked up a fantastic vegan Jamaican stew, which was then followed by second lunch and 4 ‘o’ clock whistle stop chasers…

one last candle to light at “Angels Rest” memorial garden and then down time, campsite gaffs and giggles into the night…

It’s not just funders and backers we need,.

We need volunteers. If you are ethically motivated for real system change, this vegan permaculture, anarchist RBE Network project may well be for you, get in touch with us and learn how to retake your freedom and rebuild your community for a better world.

Time to hit the road, until next week,,


The Free Folk Festivals – crops NOT shops outreach South goes North and West

The Free Folk Festivals – crops NOT shops outreach South goes North and West


The Free Folk Festivals, throughout the summer, put out invitations to crops NOT shops and the Vegan RBE, along with Know Your Roots, to attend and run workshops up and down the country at the Free Folk Festivals.

We were also joined on a number of our workshops by the Woodland Woom and Green Elephant Kitchen.

The Music and atmosphere was amazing all over the Country. Between workshops the crew were able to take time for amazing live bands, meditation, yoga, music workshops, talks, food prep, seeding and growing workshops, higher consciousness and how to achieve freedom  to build the RBE Network in an age of deceit, oppression and control.

crops NOT shops traveled from South to North to West , delivering work shops and engaging with like minded folk all over the country to start to put the foundations of a free food network in place, engaging with other growers and people interested in establishing grow sites for the Free Food RBE Network.

What is the RBE Network ?

It is a splinter from the RBE movement, the resource based economy.

It is the rise of the people.

the unifying of communities who do not submit to or trust the intentions or motivations of Government, Industry and the oppressive minions they use to enforce will on the people.

It is reclaiming the resources of the land , air and sea for the purpose of sharing within the community under the ethical guidance of the free world charter.

It is most simply, the people just doing it for themselves.


NOUN the exercise of political authority over the actions and affairs of a group of people and their resources. To hold authority to perform certain functions for this body of people and their resources ; the action of governing;  rule, and, administer the affairs of the nation.

When Government uses the financial muscle of the public fund to subvert media and public opinion  for the determent of the many only to serve their own interests and the interests of a select elite, they are no longer a representative of the people.  It instead becomes the enemy of the people and in turn the policies of this Government (and previous Governments) and its opposition parties are joined at the hip to the continuation of ensuring compliance to the rule of legislation, statues and law, no matter how unjust, to the perpetrating of the division of the class system, profit through war, animal exploitation and enslavement, the rape of our land air and sea resources for corporate deals and the conditioning of the people to fit and agree with the greed and desire of central power through attacking and separating the family unit through state education, work slavery and consumer debt. Rather than central power devolving authority to the people and serving the people as elected and working towards building a better nation and world.

Government does not work for the people it works for its own agenda and is financed by the people to pursue its own unethical aims.

We don’t need Government, for anything. what we need is unity. When the people engage with the RBE Network the need for Government becomes obsolete.

The gathering of the tribes, the festivals, the free folk, the anarchist community, the home growers, utility free living, the RBE Network and the unity of all of them together, is essential to provide us all a way forward in times of such austerity and control and a future without the “grey man”, who nips at the heels of all who shine too brightly, the grey suit devoid of all creativity and happiness, taking his share.

Want to know more about the RBE Network ?


Next RBE event


crops NOT shops speak at the sacred circle 

Know your Roots Kid’s Wonderland Worshop

Know your Roots Monkey Dance Workshop 

Know your Roots  and Hemp Redemption Music Workshops

crops NOT shops outreach stall

crops NOT shops reclaim the land NORTH workshop

Free Folk Sacred Sites


crops NOT shops reclaim the land WEST workshop

Crops NOT shops Free Food Network stall

crops NOT shops seed planting workshop

Want to support crops NOT shops and the RBE Network ?

Find out more about crops NOT shops here:

We are constantly needing supplies, materials, fuel to get sites up and running as quickly as possible, if you are able to help financially in investing in the project please do so using the below link:

Festival CREW Down time

26/9 2020 – Michael Green’s art for a sustainable world at THE RETREAT

26/9 2020 – Michael Green’s art for a sustainable world at THE RETREAT Animal Rescue

For ONE day only we will be showing art work from “art for a sustainable word” by Michael Green.

Here a couple of LINKS to Michael Green’s ART :



26/9 this year is set to be a huge gathering of the ethical, the free folk, the activists, coming together for

– Unity
– Strength
– Change

Camping overnight in the bottom field has been given a green light for those travelling in

Agenda for the event:

– Resource based Economy
– RBE Network
– 5 steps to freedom
– Crops NOT shops
– Michael green’s art for a sustainable World
– Adoption programs
– Amazing fully vegan café and Thrift shop
– Biogas digester engine project
– soundtrack by FISHINABOX

Rocky van de Benderskum will also be on site with workshops, and has pledged some of his books to raise funds for the RBE Network’s Free Food program , “crops NOT shops”, which you will be able to buy at the event.

See the enclosed LINK for the latest update report on Rocky and crops NOT shops at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary here:

Want to be part of system change ? Be there – lets build this RBE Network,

for food,

for power,

for creativity,

for education,

for fuel,

for shelter,

for fun,

for enrichment,

for ethics,

for one love

Since Michael Passed in Costa Rica last year, as executors, we have been inundated from people all over the world both in RBE, environmentalist and Vegan circles with requests to arrange for his project “art for a sustainable world” to be displayed.

Michael’s last artwork, unfinished, recovered from Costa Rica:

For this year, Saturday 26/9 2020, we have kindly been offered space at The Retreat Animal Sanctuary to put some of Michael’s artworks on show for the day.

We will also be holding talks on the five steps to freedom and the RBE (resource based economy) , sharing information and looking for engagement with groups, volunteers , from the community for the evolving RBE Network

crops NOT shops will be opening their second base at The Retreat and their will be talks from Chay Godfree who is driving the project.

One year ago on 26/9 The RBE and VEGAN community lost dedicated activist Michael Green. A permanent memorial was set up for Michael at the Retreat Animal rescue and Sanctuary in Kent. A rescue Michael spent time holding talks and classroom events, fundraising and engaging with the animals.

On the 28th of September 2019 just two days after Michael’s passing, many activists gathered at the Retreat, to write words, memories, share stories and spend time with each other in memory of Michael’s life, though the gathering was so close to 26/9 that there was no time, at that time, to organise any larger event, and, Michael artwork has still not been recovered at that time.

Before Michael  left on his last trip to Costa Rica, we sat and discussed his on going activism and artwork and how best to incorporate what works he still had in his possession into the RBE Network activism campaign.

As an artist myself, Michael took me through an unfinished art piece based on Morpheus in the Matrix,  a piece that was stolen at an event over ten years before and that he felt so important had repainted from scratch, he asked me to complete it for him and marked out where and what colours he wanted used as he no longer had steady enough hands due to the illness, to complete the intricate parts remaining on the painting, and left it with me to complete as he made his way to Costa Rica for a last chance to get ahead of the cancer.

The painting will be displayed unfinished form the last time before work begins on finishing the piece in line with his instructions.

Other artwork going on display for 26/9 “art for a sustainable world” will be Michael’s TV sets and computer screens that were recovered with only days notice of being cleared  and disposed, the paperwork and legalities of recovery and “ownership” as the system puts it, took us right up to the deadline. The sets have had some cleaning and restoration since recovery.

Recovery day photos:


Also on display at “art for a sustainable world” will be Michael’s office chair from the “Tears for the Earth show”

The Soundtrack:

The MG 269 event soundtrack is now in print with all eco packaging / inks etc. The album contains the soundtrack for the art exhibition as well as additional tracks for Earth Liberation previously only available in Japan.

The album will be available at the event on 26/9 or inbox FISHINABOX RECORDS on facebook or @Fishinapot on Twitter to reserve a copy.

FYI – This is a strictly limited print run, there will be NO REPRINTS people so its a case of get it now if you want a copy.


The location:

The Retreat Animal Rescue is a 60 acre site and safe home for 1500 animals rescued from abuse , neglect and animal agriculture. The site is based in the rolling country side in Kent, the closest station is Ashford International and there is a bus to Cripple Hill that takes about 30 minutes (information link below)

The Retreat is a fully vegan sanctuary with an amazing vegan cafe, the menu is exceptionally good and suitable for all ages , there is an on site thrift shop and adoption programs are available for those interested in further supporting the sanctuary’s work.

The significance of 26/9:

Michael passed away on a symbolic date for animal liberation: Calf 269 is a bull who was rescued as a calf by anonymous activists, days before his planned slaughter. The significance of the event led to the creation of “269 life”(fr:269 Life France), an animal liberation movement founded in October 2012. The 269 life movement celebrates the life of CALF 269 and raises awareness to the unethical unnecessary suffering endured by enslaved calves for wealth hoarding corporate profiteers.

269 is probably the most common animal rights tattoo or brand globally today.

Find out more:

Join us and engage with the RBE Network and explore the movement for real change, not a politics thing, not a money thing, not a flag waving thing , or race, cult, country thing, this is simply the movement for the free world charter, and how people are taking steps to achieve it outside of all pyramid power structures.

There are very few people on this Earth like Michael Green, become part of the movement that shared his vision of a better world and let’s build a better world, without sanction of Government, Corporations, System indoctrinated social policing. Thank you Michael Green for your belief, your drive your energy spent in opening the door to joe public to embrace change. We have got this and are taking it forward up and down the country.

To close the post, I am adding Michael Green’s CV. if ever you are caught shy of the RBE Network and forced to write a CV, it probably should look something like this, if it doesn’t you are likely to be forced by the state into mindless work slavery, where your divine human energy, which you can use to shape your whole reality spirit and community for meaningful life, is traded in a one way transaction, for something as meaningless and worthless as money.

Don’t do it to yourself and don’t let other’s do it to you. Engage in the RBE Network and build an exit from slavery. Don;t know where to start ? then join us at MG 269.



RBE goals – JOURNEY’S WITH MICHAEL GREEN – What can YOU do and how to do it

RBE goals – UTILITY FREE LIVING – What can YOU do and how to do it

RBE thinking, Resource Based Economy thinking that is; is based around the management of need, based solely on smart and ethical management of available situational resources. The principles are a practical application of the free world charter, a how to live by charter.

Where did I learn about the Free World Charter ? it was whilst we were recovering the late Michel Green’s art work for storage, a last minute appointment with housing and a window of only a few hours to collect keys before they were the housing officer was actually leaving her job and cleaners were scheduled to go in and empty the flat !!

A dash to Eastbourne and a grueling day of saving these pieces. In among the rest was one of Michael’s very old TV screens had a butterfly painted on it and the worlds “Let’s make everything free”. this screen dated way way back, though we hadn’t covered the free world charter as were focused on other areas of RBE implementation, like minds think alike and having signed up to the charter I see again a movement of liberation thinking, free of politics, free of religion , free of money. All ethical vegans should be signed up to the Free World Charter.

These are All pieces of the RBE puzzle that through combining our collective work, come together through these web posts.

Principles of the free world charter

  1. The highest concern of humanity is the combined common good of all living species and biosphere.
  2. Life is precious in all its forms, and free to flourish in the combined common good.
  3. Earth’s natural resources are the birthright of all its inhabitants, and free to share in the combined common good.
  4. Every human being is an equal part of a worldwide community of humans, and a free citizen of Earth.
  5. Our community is founded on the spirit of cooperation and an understanding of nature, provided through basic education.
  6. Our community provides for all its members the necessities of a healthy, fulfilling and sustainable life, freely and without obligation.
  7. Our community respects the limits of nature and its resources, ensuring minimal consumption and waste.
  8. Our community derives its solutions and advances progress primarily through the application of logic and best available knowledge.
  9. Our community acknowledges its duty of care and compassion for members who are unable to contribute.
  10. Our community acknowledges its responsibility to maintain a diverse and sustainable biosphere for all future life to enjoy.

Within application and actual on the ground living and design, the great movers and shakers in the applied RBE world, long established, large central Hubs with endless subscribers and networks, have failed to build site networks within the general public, or support grass roots initiatives for change, resulting in a global stunting the spread of the RBE networks in general.

Part of this is based on a silo mentality, part is based on still being tied to seeking funding and support for the concept of an RBE, with an end goal of full city scale development or Government initiative. As a city planning goal this is all fine but this lacks the elements of accessibility and liberation from the status quo that can be better found in older anti-political idealism of Anarchist syndicalism and abolitionism.

The Venus Project, a key HUB, and founder of the concept of the Resource Based Model provides an excellent FAQ on what RBE program is and represents, as well as the free world charter. Those interested should check the below links to find out more:

Identifying the failure (in engaging general population in network growth) by main RBE hub’s in addition to a recommended review of the method of rollout for RBE ideology goes to Michelle Anne Palmer. She laid out this approach to Myself and Michael Green whilst reviewing workable models for engagement, expressing our right to take back control of resources, at the same time as engaging with Hub Technology, which has led to a model for community roll out to be tabled for vertical farming for Urban populations. A model that can integrate within a Community Anarchist Syndicalist approach to building organic engagement of a grass roots RBE model for all.

This model is sound, and would actually overall see consumption shrink in all business sectors, though requires a social commitment an evolution in thinking in the general population which is hard to achieve outside of an RBE.

Firstly we must be renewable and resource based . Then we must evolve and “DEGROW”.

Combining the following mindsets and application will lead to evolution, a case of, as the “Ghostbusters” would put it of “crossing the streams”

Here are the core mindsets of change:

Crops not shops

Food not bombs

Vegan permaculture

Utility free living

Anarcho syndicalism

Resource based network

No god’s no masters no borders

Make everything free


Intelligent learning

How not to die


Ethical Veganism

This will be addressed in later posts under “Degrowth steps for expanding real growth”.

For a system change to be successful, the most important factor is actual change, RBE lends to a non monetist existence where resourcing is spared the wasteful bottling controls of supply and demand financing, and satisfies peoples needs without financial dependence on centralised currencies or barter and trade.

As people we need to develop awareness, and social intelligence, something that the state education, work regulated society seems to dumb down, we need to speak out on the basic obvious awareness issues blocking intelligent awareness

It simply is intelligent sharing and negates the need for an organised Globalised Corporancy, or regulation, or government to manage to filter of goods to public and public to goods.

Urban RBE is a fusion of RBE Silo tech in an urban community based practical implementation, along with an ethical liberation mind set where you, as an individual, can drastically bring change to your family and your communities life, their health, their moral compass and their ongoing nature in balance with the environment they live in..

On an individual scale what are we talking about is meeting your immediate food and power needs ethically and intelligently.

Once these core living costs are resolved and networked, as an RBE community, your major expenditures outside of land rent and entertainment are resolved and the staging table to separation from central Government, Work , schooling, and all aspects of divisional class war and politic is possible.

The first step for an Urban RBE is being able to manage your food supply and dietary needs from you local area , home space or waste land around your home space, we have covered this is the below link:

The second step for an Urban RBE is being able to disconnect from the Grid and provide your own power source, firstly to meet your own demand 100%, and, secondly to develop your power network for overs to engage a Network as an urban RBE HUB

STOP !! “buying” electricity .


START “making” electricity.


START “sharing” electricity .

Power : What type of Power and Where do you get it ? How do you get it ? What should you get and why ?

We have taken extensive time looking at a number of energy solutions and have isolated two practical , accessible and easy to implement power sources , that in combination provide a good day / night power supply subject to some geographical limitations, thee are a number of others that are less accessible or practice though will touch on them here for diversity:

  • Bio Mass – Applicable to House, outbuildings, can be used for Agriculture though NO vehicle application  – wood pulp/ chip burnt in a off grid burner, very efficient , responsible cost effective though required buying form a corporate point of supply and locks you into a designated fuel source. sourcing your own wood fuel chipping/ pulping is an issue as the fuel is stored cured and delivered at an optimum level of moisture etc so that it burns efficiently, fueling the burner with untreated or self treated wood chip leads to residue and clogging to the burner and equipment that required increased maintenance or break down. very efficient and can get you off grid but you are still tied financially to a supply chain (Global Corporancy NOT RBE)


  • Bio Gas – Applicable to House, outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point)- Bio gas is driven by organic matter, waste, very useful for recycling house waste though the issue here again, like Bio Mass was clean fuel, you have to use a converter , which can be found in a home unit application, though reliable units are still in their infancy. large Bio Gas converters are excellent for animal waste processing, though housing animals to provide an accessible and collectible waste source requires unethical animal agriculture learning toward exploitation, which is out of step with Urban RBE .


  • Solar – Applicable to House , outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point) – Solar provides good return during daylight hours though is impacted by cloud cover and changing seasonal weather. There is also potential drop in output (though currently their are no statistics relating to impact) from geoengineering that reduces the amount of solar energy travelling through the atmosphere. Solar though is an excellent and stable power source. Output can be improved by investing in better yield panels and reducing load on the system.


  • Wind – Applicable to House, outbuildings, agriculture, vehicles (via charging point) – Wind turbines subject to wind speeds, provides a good return though can create issue in densely populated areas due to noise levels from larger blades and turbines. Yield can be improved with stronger turbines and blade types. An alternative to Wind Turbines  are Wind Cubes, favored by the late Michael Green. As the wind passes through the Wind Cube covering, it becomes concentrated resulting in increased velocity that leads to more power generation, it is a better design for output and quieter for urban areas, though is relatively new and in limited distribution, so a developing power source rather than immediately available everywhere .

For the Purpose of an accessible urban RBE network that can be built up in a community from the grass roots, a wind and solar combination is the recommended start point for off grid networks. The following links and information will help you understand the basics of these two power systems, identify your specific need, model, type and combination and look at improvement options to make a shift to Solar / Wind a successful.

A satisfying transition from the global corporate power network that not only unfairly prices power supply, which is a resource that should be free to the people, but also cause extensive environmental damage in sourcing that power.

Corporations, legalised by Government, voted for by uninformed people, steal our resources, time, and the fruits of our labour and charge their profit margin on top. its time to cut out the middle man.

lets get you up to speed on the knowledge on Solar and Wind solutions for home conversion:



Do your Homework

Possible Concerns of Geo Engineering?

  1. Challenges the global shift to renewable systems such as solar power, pushing power back to fossil fuels or above atmoshere sola rppower systems owned by the Global Corporancy.
  2. It damages the immune systems of all air breathing life, opening growth for big pharma vitamins immune boosts and basic cold and hayfever medications.
  3. It contaminates water supply justifying additions of heavy toxic bleaching purifying chemicals to water such as fluoridation and sodium chlorination (which poisons you long term and again supports the above point).
  4. It effects the natural seasonal cycles confusing plant life and hibernating animals It interferes with nautical directional senses in sea mammals.
  5. It normalises the effects of pollution from animal agriculture (methane) allowing meat and dairy to continue scaling production without environmental pressure.
  6. Reduces your ability to harvest good charge from renewable solar energy.
  7. Cause an all dependency on global power structures to maintain climate stability (ensuring the longevity of state and corporate dependency)

Though the media is split on whether the program is already live, the impact of this program needs to be considered in any long term RBE planning.

RBE adjustment to negate effect of solar radiation:

– Vertical farming / hydroponics back ups supply for kitchen food utilities (6k for set up for family of 6 and 110k for community set up facility for around 90 people) – See IKEA Hydroponics Kitchen for home systems here:

– Power hybrids , solar though increasing cell collect-ability is still around 25% capacity and any improvements will be negated by solar radiation spraying, you need to hybrid your system to provide second power source – please look at the wind cube (American wind cube not Chinese) over and above the wind turbine, if looking at turbines, check your local wind speeds .look at a post 2019 Chinese 500w turbine (not American choose the Chinese on turbines)

– Lithium batteries – reducing cost – source second hand lithium from hospital equipment re-sellers, they have to routinely change the batteries regardless of charge and testing these spent units so far indicates that you still get around 90 percent capacity at 150-250 quid a until instead of 3k…build bigger banks to supply high UV lighting drain for farming (what!).

– UV lighting,. yes you are going to have to set up UV lighting facility for long (90ft max per unit) soil based grow tunnels,. recommend dig down for any new set up to extend seasonal growing ,. ensure your power needs are covered by off grid stand alone supply for the tunnel. Do not piggy off the grid for UV ,. build capacity into your off grid to heat

SOLAR – THE FUTURE ? (Tesla roof)



When you are up to speed with the combination of these two power systems, look at your load requirements for your home space by checking your energy bill from your current supplier, then review  how you can reduce your energy load and reduce your costs for power:

Best point of call for clever energy management is:

Some other helpful pointers in addition to the Utility Free Living Link to look at cost reductions. We recommend you keep your full capacity before reductions so there is an over supply which can be made available through storage batteries to a network for sharing.

Thee are many extending developments from managing your power, shared networks, water supply, community water turbines applied, use of water, human , agri,  though initially you can’t really start expanding into these areas before the basic foundations of food and power are in place.

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As the executors of the late Michael Green’s will and final testament, We have inherited and been entrusted with Michael’s property. Due to a series of system access issues in recovering data from damaged operating drives which held the security access to Michael’s website and social media, we are creating back up’s of his online media work to ensure, as domain names expire, that his work is not lost.

This page is a back up of Michael Green’s website ” Art for a sustainable world” which was created in 2013 and linked to the Zeitgeist festival of 2013.

Where better quality imagery or related images of Michael’s art work around the project “Art for a sustainable World” exist, we have added these to this back up version of the website

All work is still highly relevant and inspirational for RBE activists and thinkers, hope fully by backing up the site here we will ensure his message is still accessible to the public


As part of the Global Zeitgeist Media FestivalAug. 2nd-4th 2013, Michael Green was displaying work on Eastbourne Seafront, near The Lifeboat Museum.

Michael featured work advocating a Global Resource Based Economy, on “canvasses” that are examples of our waste of resources.

“The way we use technology is completely wasteful.   We duplicate many vacuum cleaners, tools; In the future we will make the best of equipment and make it available to everyone.”

Words: Michael Green

Welcome to Art for a Sustainable World ! Hello and a warm welcome, this is “Art For A Sustainable World”, a site that expresses an artistic viewpoint to some very interesting visions of a saner, safer and exciting new world.

I hope you find the artwork here thought provoking and inspires you to create and consider an open approach to helping the current world dilemmas we’re facing.

Many of the materials I use as canvasses are “thrown away”, “consumer waste”. As I learned how little I actually knew, and the effect of this waste has on our environment, I set about using it as an example to show just how unthinking, we as a species have become, in our quest to own and have more & more consumables…….. A big thank you goes to Ben Murray for helping in such a big way for putting this site together, and Christie for some great photos of Jessie May and Joey with me, reminding me of how children are so much, to use the words Christie used, “in the moment”.

The following poem was written by Christine Rbe Thindi in early March 2014, and is being turned into a global collaborative video.

Thanks to Christine for such a powerful, inspirational and positive piece of writing, and the 100 or so people involved, in 50 countries, for making the video.

There is a Way (to make this world a great place for all)

Financial troubles everywhere
give you no time to be aware
of what it is that causes it
and it all seems so legit
indoctrinations keep you caught
in a state of fearful thought
Money makes the world go round
It’s what keeps the food abound
keeps us clothed and in a home
without it, streets we’d have to roam
sleep on the pavement, starve to death
feel misery till our last breath
We bear the drudgery we hate
because we think that it’s our fate
We have to keep a job or two
enough banknotes will see us through
will pay the taxes and the bills
bliss awaits beyond the hills
make more money to get by
but guess what? It’s all a lie!

We could feed 12 billion souls
if markets didn’t block the flow
Money causes suffering
destroys your soul and everything
the planet is about to die
economic growth has to be high
exploitation is a must
if profits are not to go bust
What is the use if very soon
Earth will look like its own moon
your children will not have a future
just because your lifestyle suits ya
but look at it, does it make you happy?
Or do you feel stressed and rather crappy?
Our offspring raised by institutions
no time and strength for resolutions
families are ripped apart
and so is everybody’s heart
Suppressing who we really are
spreads depression near and far
You are a slave to this whole thing
full of worry and suffering
Half the world has it even worse
they always have an empty purse

But did you know, there’s a better way
where no one can be led astray
where everyone on planet Earth
lives healthy, happy right from birth
no stress, no force, no crime, no war
where all our spirits are free to soar
Technology will do the jobs
robots won’t turn into mobs
most work’s already automated
so why not call the rest outdated?
Let’s just end the reign of money
and we’re not trying to be funny
Without it we will all be wealthy
happy, free and very healthy
Follow our passions every day
with no pressure of earning pay
Saving the planet in the process
that is what is called REAL progress
All we need to set us free
is a Resource-Based Economy!

Words: Michael Green

Mission (2013)……

My mission, simply put, is to find good homes for my art work. I’m aiming to spread awareness of our social and economic issues by artistically creating a talking point with using thrown away objects.

Whether the message be on an old T.V, mobile phone, plastic toy or anything for that matter, the message is clear…….we can begin to embrace a positive movement of change whatever our age,sex,race,nation or belief system.

How would you feel if you had a piece of art that expressed a deeper understanding of our current world problems and solutions?  Enabling you to help spread positive ideas and invite others to investigate our possible future further.  

Mission (2019)……

Excepting around 20 TV screens, “the tears of the world” office chair, and, a small number of paintings which we have keep for the ongoing art displays and RBE awareness campaigns, the rest of the remaining art has been shared, mostly by Michael leading up to the Costa Rica Trip.

We invite people to photograph and share as much as possible, the art displays in detail, to continue to raise awareness and we will continue to work for the RBE Network , now and in the future.

Thinking outside “the box”

Televisions are probably one of the biggest examples we have of our continuous consumption of the earth’s finite resources, constant advertising imploring us to “buy this or that product”. As David Attenborough once said ” Anyone who believes in infinite growth on a physically finite planet is either mad or an economist!” I have painted on many things and I currently focus most of my attention on painting old discarded tv’s and computer monitors.

“Whenever you make a law, “Thou Shalt Not Kill,” some jackass thinks that by making a law, you can control human behavior.  Conditions that exist control human behavior, not the laws.”

As you will see I paint on a variety of “canvasses” and deal with many subjects.

Other artwork projects from 2013 – 2014

Having made some busts from plaster and painting on them, I was also given some mannequins. On one i painted my version of some Jack Vettriano pieces. Another i painted one of the planets after I read that astronomers apparently said “Pluto was no longer a planet.” references to orange in my artwork depicts images of various other species that share this planet with us. None of these are available.

TV’s and Computer monitors:  that have been thrown away, and more than likely those who threw them away went and bought new ones. Ah, the power of advertising, especially on television. And people say it has no effect on our “thinking”! I have given them “names” to make it easier for anyone who would like one .There is the “Eye and Puma”, “This Shit’s Got To Go”, “Amazing No Borders”, “Free World Charter”, “Liverpool” (not available) , “Costa Rica” (not available), “Zeitgeist” None of these are available.

Link to TV sets and computer screens gallery:

Again, having fallen for the planned obsolescence of buying a walkman music player that stopped functioning a very short while after purchase, I decided to paint it and a, (found in the street) cd. The camera was another aspect of this.

I painted a telephone as a way to pass on the concept of Resource Based Economy, of which The Free World Charter is one of many organisations advocating this direction.

The leaves were something I used in Costa Rica. Interesting that they were flexible enough to allow me to do this. And as I learned at “school” that paper comes from trees this was a way to use paper in the simplest form, without the manufacturing process. None of these are available.

The leaves shown below are the last

This vacuum cleaner was found in the street. Yet another example of the phenomenon known as “planned obsolescence.” Thought I would have fun with the obsession with “cleaning.”

Taking action, with colours

Having been introduced to the ideas of planned and perceived obsolescence and the inefficient waste of our resources and learning about sustainability, I have been doing what I can, through art, to introduce others to these ideas and the people and organisations (far more knowledgeable and practical than I) behind them, some of whom you will find links to on this site.

“If nations join together now, before the big collapse and share their resources, they can maintain a level of sustainability. Sustain the people that is, and not banks and businesses.”

Words: Michael Green

About Me:

PictureHello my name is Michael Green and thank you
for taking the time to stop by this website.

I was born in Cyprus and have traveled far and wide through the years and am currently  in the South East, UK.   I got a very big wake-up call in 1999, being given a book to read entitled,”A Reasonable Life” by Ferenc Mate. It prompted several personal changes.

The chapter called “Television” had the following … “Setting television loose in America was like carpet bombing the continent with Valium…daily”.  I took up painting late 2002 and quickly discovered acrylics and whilst on a “business” course saw a whole pile of computer monitors that were going to be thrown away, because they no longer functioned.

Quickly discovered the adaptability of acrylics and started painting on old tv’s and computer screens.  Not quite certain exactly how many I have done so far, but it’s 50 or so, in the UK, Spain and Costa Rica.

I have a distinct passion to express  views and visions on anything man or nature can muster! Primarily I focus on obsolete T.Vs however I also paint  on leaves, old toys, most electrical items etc as well as walls and furniture.

I really enjoy being able to help spread the incredible benefits we could all one day experience, of a Resourced Based Economy, and my love for painting has grown more and more knowing this.

Costa Rica is where I learned of  The Venus Project and the concept of a Global Resource Based Economy through a series of Zeitgeist documentaries, specifically “Zeitgeist Addendum” and “Zeitgeist Moving Forward” in 2011.

Since then I have become an advocate for this concept and have connected globally with others promoting this. To get a better understanding my suggestion would be to watch Zeitgeist Addendum.

“In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay. And unless it wants to break faith with it’s social function, art must show the world as changeable and help to change it.”

Words: Michael Green

Art and the pleasure of the aesthetic must never be underestimated as to it’s the power to change the world. We can see this throughout the ages from the renaissance to the enlightenment and beyond.

The fact is that if we are to avert the challenges that lie ahead and live in a more peaceful and sustainable world then art will play a major role in bringing about that change.

I have certainly not started on this road for my work to sit in my living room. It will not change the world that way. I want it to spread  far and wide, to all parts of this beautiful planet, to  share and light it up and inspire change.

If you appreciate my work and it’s message then please do get in touch and I will get whatever piece you are interested in from my gallery section sent to you, some are no longer in my possession, or I can create a piece that you specifically have in mind.

All I ask is that you cover all the costs from materials to postage. On top of that I would appreciate a donation for my time as this is all I do and all I want to do but I can not do that without your help. Any support I receive will help me to free up more of my time and create ever more socially conscious art to bring about the change we all want and that future generations deserve.

Thank you so much for your kind support. x

“As long as superstition and ignorance prevail, humanity will fall short of eradicating war, poverty, and hunger.”

What Motivates Me?…..


Below are a few links and short videos that have become the backbone and driving force behind my artwork. This is what inspires me to share my understanding of the world and help  spread the awareness of a more sustainable and safer world for all of Earth’s inhabitants. We have now an Eastbourne Website that incorporates all of the principles and visions presented here, as well as current projects and events.

Please Click Here To visit:

My attempt to have a little fun while explaining the ideas and concepts of an “RBE”. The full version of the “Resource Based Economy / Zeitgeist Movement Game” is just under two hours. This edited version is 50 minutes, and covers most of the “questions”, but with less detail. If you’re interested in seeing the full version, the playlist begins here:

Jacque Fresco coined the term “Resource Based Economy” and goes into detail with this train of thought on his website. Please visit, and check out the “Paradise or Oblivion” video on the homepage. “The Venus Project” :

The Zeitgeist Movement supports this train of thought… … and Peter Joseph does a great job of explaining this stuff. If you haven’t seen his videos, here are a few for starters. “Arriving at a RBE:

“Where Are We Now?”

“Where Are We Going?”

His two documentary-films related to the RBE are Must See!

Zeitgeist Addendum:

Zeitgeist, Moving Forward:

Many other sites are supporting the ideas and concepts of a Resource Based Economy, such as
The Freeworld Charter:

and A Resource Based Economy

Jacque Fresco (born March 13, 1916), is an American self-taught structural designer, architectural designer, concept artist, educator, and futurist. Fresco writes and lectures his views of sustainable cities, energy efficiency, natural resource management, cybernetic technology, advanced automation, and the role of science in society. With his colleague, Roxanne Meadows, he is the founder and director of The Venus Project.As an outspoken social critic. Fresco advocates global implementation of a socioeconomic system of social cooperation, technological automation, and scientific methodology, which he refers to as a ‘resource-based economy.’

Jacques Fresco and the VENUS Project:

The term and meaning of a Resource Based Economy was originated by Jacque Fresco. It is a holistic socio-economic system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. All resources become the common heritage of all of the inhabitants, not just a select few.

The Zeitgeist Movement

Founded in 2008, The Zeitgeist Movement is a Sustainability Advocacy Organization which conducts community based activism and awareness actions through a network of Global/Regional Chapters, Project Teams, Annual Events, Media and Charity Work.

The Movement’s principle focus includes the recognition that the majority of the social problems which plague the human species at this time are not the sole result of some institutional corruption, scarcity, a political policy, a flaw of “human nature” or other commonly held assumptions of causality.

Best Speech You Will Ever Hear!

Gary Yourofsky’s entire inspirational speech held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His charismatic and straightforward style is one of a kind – a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place:

EARTHLINGS is the single most powerful and informative documentary about society’s tragic and unforgivable use of nonhuman animals, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby. Directed by Shaun Monson, this multi-award winning film by Nation Earth is a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.

PLEASE: don’t run from reality, watch the film and share your thoughts with other viewers in the comments section. Thank you.

Lets Make Everything Free!

The Free World Charter is a statement of principles that has the potential to optimise life on Earth for all species, eradicate poverty and greed, and advance progress.

Neither political nor religious, these ten short principles could form the foundation of a new, advanced society that uses no money, is free, fair and sustainable. They are based solely on nature, common sense and survival.

The Story of Stuff is a short polemical animated documentary about the lifecycle of material goods. The documentary is critical of excessive consumerism and promotes sustainability.

Filmmaker Annie Leonard wrote and narrated the film, which was first launched online on December 4, 2007.


In the mid-1800s, corporations began to be recognized as individuals by U.S. courts, granting them unprecedented rights. The Corporation, a documentary by filmmakers Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott and author Joel Bakan, delves into that legal standard, essentially asking: if corporations were people, what kind of people would they be? Applying psychiatric principles and FBI forensic techniques, and through a series of case studies, the film determines that this entity, the corporation, which has an increasing power over the day-to-day existence of nearly every living creature on earth, would be a psychopath. The case studies include a story about how two reporters were fired from Fox News for refusing to soft-pedal a story about the dangers of a Monsanto product given to dairy cows, and another about Bolivian workers who banded together to defend their rights to their own water supply. The pervasiveness of corporate influence on our lives is explored through an examination of efforts to influence behavior, including that of children. The filmmakers interview leftist figures like Michael Moore, Howard Zinn, Naomi Klein, and Noam Chomsky, and give representatives from companies Burson Marsteller, Disney, Pfizer, and Initiative Media a chance to relay their own points-of-view. The Corporation won the Best Documentary World Cinema Audience Award at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.


HUMAN the film REDUX is a refined, shorter version of Human the film that has been cut down where possible yet still maintaining the message of the original film. It has been compiled using youtube, news archive and other footage sources, it looks at the different aspects of the system we live and work in including the government, politics, money, war, healthcare and other social issues. this film is about the world in which we reside and the systems that govern it.

We are all Human and this film is for you:

Cancer is Big Business

The very first time that I saw this video, I actually shed tears just because this show how we so called human are wicked than the Lion preying over a poor cattle kid. The worst is we are preying over ourselves. We turn our beautiful world to survival of the fittest.

I don’t know how long this video will be here for but if you can Download it and I will post a direct link that you can get this video if you can’t get it from here or you can simply email me and I will be glad to send you the link

TROM the reality of me

The TROM documentary is trying to present, in a simplistic way, the world in which we, human beings, live. The world discovered so far, not some idea or personal choice. Moreover we tried to present alternative solutions to current problems and took into account the future, which promises to be more than interesting. An informative documentary, perhaps shocking and disturbing to many, depending on how you digest the information.

The documentary is divided into chapters and sub-chapters due to documentary’s excessive length (13 hours). Also all the parts are connected.

The documentary and website are concentrated, so it is essential to read additional information which can be found in descriptions beside each section and the video player.

Equilism: 21st Century Economy

If Equilibrium is the vehicle for change, then Equilism will be its engine. Equilism will provide the gradual transition from our current system into a Resource Based Economy, with humanity working together and the limitless resources/technology available it will give us the platform to explore and colonize space, the final frontier.

Equilism has one goal, to advance humanity to the next level, to break out from this primitive system that promotes self importance, divide, corruption, poverty and war, it’s a path towards self destruction and we do not want humanity to be remembered as a civilisation that destroyed itself.

We are one human family living on thi

s planet we call home, the barriers we have created between each other have been man-made, which also means we can knock them down. Imagine what we can accomplish with the combined wealth of the world going towards projects, concepts and ideas that can benefit and advance humanity?

The decisions and actions we make today will effect tomorrow, Equilism will better position ourselves towards the next big step for humanity and the ground work we have laid will be ready to be built on by future generations. For Humanity to become a ‘Type 1 Civilisation’, to begin space colonization, exploring new star systems and galaxies, there is no ‘final frontier’ to what we can achieve as it is limitless, and its about time we start putting our potential to good use.

so here I am
standing alone in the open. i’m here with a message
hoping to repair what’s broken. nature is struggling
humanity’s not on track. we’ve got our heads in the sand
and our pride intact. we seek fulfillment through wealth
but do we achieve it? we want prosperity through consumerism
but is it worth it? have we actually found freedom?
or have we lost it? because all we do is follow a system
and never really challenge it. can you relate to that?
or is the world too blind to see? i’d always seek the truth
but care what my peers thought of me. i saw a different perspective
and struggled by the hour. see i knew ignorance was bliss
but knowledge could give me power. so now i call for humanity
not just for one nation. i’m opposing separation and standing up to segregation
whether religious or atheist, in essence we’re the same
stereotypes are man-made, and it was man who created the game
but are we actually ready to accept this and wake up?
can we put our naivety on the line, or are we always going to collide?
are we ready to make a difference? do we venture into the unknown?
or do we stay in our comfort zones and keep on taking the easy ride?
because at sea it ships that are safest at shore
but no, that’s not what ships were made for. so ask yourself this:
why are you really here? you may find that deep
but my question really is sincere. for my generation
are we mislead as a youth? do we rub off our true purpose due to false misleading truth?
are we prone to propaganda? are we prone to wrong information?
are we taught to judge each other based on religion
sex, race, culture, class, nation
the list goes on. the moral of this poem
may be hard to grasp. I know it’s not something usually heard
and it’s not your average task. but the point is to stop damaging what we cannot re-create
we shouldn’t prioritize selfish desires, and let them decide our fate
however let me tell you, in no way am i perfect and in no way am i better than you
I mean yea i wrote this message myself, but it applies to myself too
so it’s time to start improving and it’s time to start speaking
because resources are lowering and poverty is increasing
we allow cities to get larger, buildings to get taller
but trees to get shorter and forests to get smaller
we’re an ingenious species, we could easily change everything
but we’re made to think different due to decades of conditioning
we conform to education to confirm our own security
yet it’s a biased institution that makes wisdom hold obscurity
is it actually correct? and does it actually judge intelligence?
or is it just listening to our elders, and improving our obedience?
are possessions an illusion of worth? are we tricked in our thinking?
are we trying to buy wholeness and are we trying to buy meaning?
do they always give joy? do they distract us from reality?
do they determine our identity and do they alter our morality?
I mean what are our goals? this really isn’t a joke
can happiness be superficial and our routine a hoax?
do we live for the wrong things? whilst the right things choke?
is mainstream tv legit or can it dictate our attractions?
does it actually bring us together or does it separate us into factions?
we categorize each other via a social hierarchy
but status is made by humans, so who really are we?
is ego destroying eco? are the real problems disguised?
do we really know the truth or does our society feed us lies?
are we actually filling our voids? and does money hold any true weight? could we drop our
precious comforts
to renew our planet’s state? it really is time to stop living our lives in a shell
because doing nothing for others, is the undoing of ourselves
we’re all from the same source, so let’s see it for what it’s worth
we only have one home and that home is planet earth
So are our laws actually just? or can power avoid the prison?
are our governments really innocent or are they flawed in their decisions?
do they actually care for all life? or only for their own health?
do their motives come from morals? or do they just want power and wealth?
they try to justify a war on terror but it’s lasted for over a decade
it’s caused a million deaths so don’t you think they’ve overstayed?
is patriotism necessary? can’t we see it’s prejudicial?
have we forgotten our common grounds and have we forgotten what’s artificial?
I mean am I truthfully British? am i really european?
am i actually a western person? or am i just a human being?
see the media highlight the smallest of tragedies in first world countries
but fail to cover that over 90 million worldwide have died from hunger in 12 years
so where do our priorities lie?
Britain, China, Russia, America, France. Syria, Iran
Israel, Jordan, Iraq. whether western or middle east
everyone deserves peace. no more national wars
no more bodies deceased. let’s come together as one and keep humanity in one piece. so are we going to be responsible?
are we going to take a stand? are we going change our ways and play our cards on the other hand?
I’m not saying I have all the answers and I’m not forcing any suggestions i’m just saying it’s about time we see differently and it’s about time we ask some questions so what will you do? how much will you allow? this is my call for humanity, to create a change and the time to start, is now

By Mitchell Parsons

Amongst all the pictures of food and nonsense on Facebook sometimes a gem will pop up and remind me why I keep using my account. Thanks to my Facebook friend, Hanna who posted Jamie Dunmore’s video saying, “Stop scrolling and watch this” … I stopped scrolling and watched it… (thanks Hanna). I immediately contacted Jamie asking to interview him…

Self-described as “an aspiring Public Figure/Speaker/Activist that’s trying to expand human consciousness.”, Jamie Dunmore’s spoken word video, “My Call For Humanity” impressed and moved me. It gave me much to think about. Things I wish more people would think about.

 “I have no notions of a perfect society. I don’t know what that means. But I know we can do much better than what we’ve got.”

Suggested Reading

The Tyranny of Words Stuart Chase

The Best That Money Can’t Buy Jacque Fresco

Designing The Future Jacque Fresco

Operating Manual For Spaceship Earth R. Buckminster-Fuller

Critical Path R. Buckminster-Fuller

Grunch of Giants R. Buckminster-Fuller

Confessions Of An Economic Hitman John Perkins

Violence (Reflections on our Deadliest Epidemic) James Gilligan

The Engineers & The Price System Thorstein Veblen

The Demon Haunted World Carl Sagan

The Grip of Death. Michael Rowbotham

The Web Of Debt Ellen Brown

A Testament Of Hope Martin Luther King Jr

Science & Human Behaviour B. F. Skinner.

The Cancer Stage of Capitalism John McMurtry

The Trouble With Testosterone Robert Sapolsky.

Drive Daniel Pink

When The Body Says No Gabor Mate

The Spirit Level Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett

Letters From The Earth Mark Twain

Christ in Egypt D.M. Murdoch (Acharya S.)

The End Of Work Jeremy Rifken

Engines Of Creation K. Eric Drexler

Nanotechnology B.C. Crandall

A People’s History Of The United States. Howard Zinn

Punished By Rewards Alfie Kohn

Why Animals Suffering Matters Andrew Linzey

Eating Animals Jonathan Safran Foer

No Logo Naomi Klein

Patas arriba la escuela mundo revés Eduardo Galeano

Stupid White Men Michael Moore

The Silent Ark Juliet Gellatley

The Algebra of Infinite Justice Arundhati Roy

Ancient Futures Helena Norberg Hodge

Wandering Herman Hesse

The Prophet Khalil Gibran

Obedience To Authority Stanley Milgram

A Reasonable Life Ferenc Mate

If You Love This Planet Helen Caldicott

Letters From The Earth Mark Twain

Christ in Egypt D.M. Murdoch (Acharya S.)

The End Of Work Jeremy Rifken

Engines Of Creation K. Eric Drexler

Nanotechnology B.C. Crandall

A People’s History Of The United States. Howard Zinn

Punished By Rewards Alfie Kohn

80/10/10 Douglas N Graham

The China Study T Colin Campbell

Vegan: The New Ethics of Eating Erik Marcus

Left in the Dark Graham Gynn and Tony Wright

The Dueling Loops of the Political Powerplace Jack Harich

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Etienne de la Boetie