The Free Folk Festivals – crops NOT shops outreach South goes North and West

The Free Folk Festivals – crops NOT shops outreach South goes North and West


The Free Folk Festivals, throughout the summer, put out invitations to crops NOT shops and the Vegan RBE, along with Know Your Roots, to attend and run workshops up and down the country at the Free Folk Festivals.

We were also joined on a number of our workshops by the Woodland Woom and Green Elephant Kitchen.

The Music and atmosphere was amazing all over the Country. Between workshops the crew were able to take time for amazing live bands, meditation, yoga, music workshops, talks, food prep, seeding and growing workshops, higher consciousness and how to achieve freedom  to build the RBE Network in an age of deceit, oppression and control.

crops NOT shops traveled from South to North to West , delivering work shops and engaging with like minded folk all over the country to start to put the foundations of a free food network in place, engaging with other growers and people interested in establishing grow sites for the Free Food RBE Network.

What is the RBE Network ?

It is a splinter from the RBE movement, the resource based economy.

It is the rise of the people.

the unifying of communities who do not submit to or trust the intentions or motivations of Government, Industry and the oppressive minions they use to enforce will on the people.

It is reclaiming the resources of the land , air and sea for the purpose of sharing within the community under the ethical guidance of the free world charter.

It is most simply, the people just doing it for themselves.


NOUN the exercise of political authority over the actions and affairs of a group of people and their resources. To hold authority to perform certain functions for this body of people and their resources ; the action of governing;  rule, and, administer the affairs of the nation.

When Government uses the financial muscle of the public fund to subvert media and public opinion  for the determent of the many only to serve their own interests and the interests of a select elite, they are no longer a representative of the people.  It instead becomes the enemy of the people and in turn the policies of this Government (and previous Governments) and its opposition parties are joined at the hip to the continuation of ensuring compliance to the rule of legislation, statues and law, no matter how unjust, to the perpetrating of the division of the class system, profit through war, animal exploitation and enslavement, the rape of our land air and sea resources for corporate deals and the conditioning of the people to fit and agree with the greed and desire of central power through attacking and separating the family unit through state education, work slavery and consumer debt. Rather than central power devolving authority to the people and serving the people as elected and working towards building a better nation and world.

Government does not work for the people it works for its own agenda and is financed by the people to pursue its own unethical aims.

We don’t need Government, for anything. what we need is unity. When the people engage with the RBE Network the need for Government becomes obsolete.

The gathering of the tribes, the festivals, the free folk, the anarchist community, the home growers, utility free living, the RBE Network and the unity of all of them together, is essential to provide us all a way forward in times of such austerity and control and a future without the “grey man”, who nips at the heels of all who shine too brightly, the grey suit devoid of all creativity and happiness, taking his share.

Want to know more about the RBE Network ?


Next RBE event


crops NOT shops speak at the sacred circle 

Know your Roots Kid’s Wonderland Worshop

Know your Roots Monkey Dance Workshop 

Know your Roots  and Hemp Redemption Music Workshops

crops NOT shops outreach stall

crops NOT shops reclaim the land NORTH workshop

Free Folk Sacred Sites


crops NOT shops reclaim the land WEST workshop

Crops NOT shops Free Food Network stall

crops NOT shops seed planting workshop

Want to support crops NOT shops and the RBE Network ?

Find out more about crops NOT shops here:

We are constantly needing supplies, materials, fuel to get sites up and running as quickly as possible, if you are able to help financially in investing in the project please do so using the below link:

Festival CREW Down time

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