عمود من الغيوم – Pillar of Clouds – Single (Palestine قطاع غزة‎ )

عمود من الغيوم – Pillar of Clouds SINGLE – Palestine

Release of the title track from the up and coming (Summer 2015) Gaza – Pillar of Clouds E.P.


When a HALMUTH – (Jewish judges hammer) strikes on wood, all nails will lift in defiance.

عندما هالموث ” مطرقة القاضي عند اليهود ” تضرب على الخشب كل المسامير سوف تُرفع في تحدٍ.

Why do you pull the whiskers of the cat Hamas, when your rockets are fired from trucks parked outside our schools and hospitals ?

لماذا تنزع شعيرات شارب القط حماس, عندما تُطلق صورايخك من شاحنات متوقفة خارج مدارسنا و مشافينا.

How can there be peace when there is no respect for Human life, Israel , How can there be peace when there is no targeting with proportionality ? 1 Rocket fired into Israel earns 100 hundred returned ?

كيف من الممكن ان يكون هناك سلام عندما لايوجد حُرمة لحياةِ الانسان, اسرائيل, كيف من الممكن ان يكون مقترناً مع هدف السلام ؟ صاروخ واحد يطلق نحو اسرائيل يستحق مئةً بالمقابل ؟

Mossad, shame on your “convenience” so “all seeing” yet unwilling to tell the difference between a fighter and a child.

أيها الموساد عار على ” راحة بالكم ” اذاً ” كل ما ترون ” الى الآن غير راغبين بالقول ما الفرق بين المقاتل والطفل .




©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)


Build around a Palestinian Lament,. the Chello cuts out a Melancholy story of loss, of blank and reproachful misunderstanding, of victimization, of sadness,. punctuating the emotional sorrow the trumpet pushes forward and the war dance rises. This track is one piece of a soundtrack designed to bring forth the stories untold of the real cost of Military Power plays, how stories of life are rewritten with death, how journeys are ended and passion of heart killed, the stories the Media so lost in the never ending rights and wrongs of the Hamas / Israeli question.


Gaza Strip, is an area of 360 square km and a population of nearly one and a half million people. One of the most densely populated regions of the world.  The Strip  is made up of five provinces, The Provinces are Northern Gaza, Deir al-Balah, Khan, Yunis and Rafah. The area comprises eight refugee camps. Jabaliya, Beach, Rafah, Khan Younis, Bureij, Maghazi, Deir al-Balah and Nuseirat. Gaza City is the largest city and an estimated population of 409 000 inhabitants (census 2006).

قطاع غزة: تبلغ مساحة قطاع غزة 360 كم مربعا ويبلغ تعداد سكانها قرابة المليون ونصف المليون نسمة وتعتبر من أكثر مناطق العالم اكتظاظا. يتكون القطاع من 5 محافظات، هي شمال غزة وغزة ودير البلح وخان يونس ورفح. وتضم ثمانية مخيمات هي، مخيم جباليا والشاطيء ورفح وخانيونس والبريج والمغازي والنصيرات ودير البلح. مدينة غزة هي أكبر مدن ال ويقدر عدد سكانها بـ 409,000 نسمة حتى عام 2006.

Palestinian Press:

An Israeli full-scale war was launched against Palestinian civilians in Gaza. The war was announced by Israel to be as a military operation that took a biblical name “Pillar of the Clouds”. In the first day of the attack, 15 Palestinians killed whom of which 8 civilians including 5 children, three women and an old man. The Israeli army proceeded to launch 160 air raids from Air, Ground and Naval forces. Palestinian armed factions retaliated to heavy Israeli attacks which also left 100 Palestinians physically wounded. A status of fear and panic spread across Gaza where children are caught in Trauma.

الحرب الشاملة الاسرائيلية قد انطلقت البارحة ضد المدنيين الفلسطينين في غزة. الحرب قد اُعلنت من قبل اسرائيل كعملية عسكرية مُتحذةَ الاسم التوراتي ” عمود من الغيوم “. حتى الآن, 15 فلسطينياَ قتلوا منهم 8 مدنيين ضمنهم 5 اطفال, ثلاثة نساء و رجل مسن. الجيش الاسرائيلي قد اطلق 160 غارة جوية من الجو, الارض والقوات البحرية. ردت الفصائل المسلجة الفلسطينية على الهجمات الاسرائيلية المكثفة واللتي خلفت كذالك اصابات جسدية ل 100 فلسطيني. حالة الخوفوالرعب انتشرت في غزة حيث اصابت الاطفال بالصدمات النفسية.

Isreali Press:

Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel are Palestinian terror attacks using rocket artillery (high-trajectory fire) and have been happening since 2001. Missiles are fired on Tel Aviv, generally towards the South . From the start of the Palestinian Campaign 510 rockets have been fired into Israel. Rocket attacks are considered and declared by the United Nations and the European Union as terrorist acts, organizations Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and Human Rights define the rocket attacks as war crimes.

התקפות רקטות פלסטיניות על ישראל הן התקפות טרור פלסטיני באמצעות ארטילריה רקטית (ירי תלול-מסלול) המתרחשות מאז 2001. נפילה בתל-אביב; מתקפת טילים על כל הדרום.. מתחילת
המבצע שוגרו לישראל 510 רקטות

ירי הרקטות נחשב ואף הוכרז על ידי האומות המאוחדות והאיחוד האירופי כפעולות טרור, ארגוני
זכויות האדם אמנסטי אינטרנשיונל ומשמר זכויות האדם מגדירים את ירי הרקטות כפשעי מלחמה.




Acoustic Wordsmiths Urban Rap track on Fur featuring The Lucky 7 ,  Fur,.back in Fashion ? Cruel or Cool ?

Real Fur,. It;s everywhere again ! Are we such a nation of self-obsessed wannabees that the ”what” in what we wear is no longer important ? The reality is FAUX FUR never really looks that great after a few weeks and a rainstorm, If your trim still has its bright eyed and bushy tailed look,. its most likely real fur,. pretty sick stuff,. with a global growing skin alive policy,. back handers to hide sources and material tagging to get round import restrictions, elite advertising and profiteering Real Fur is the symbol of absolute ethical and social decadence.

When people wear a jacket with a FUR trim, you are making the clear statement: “Hey i’m really cool with that, and cares about where it comes from as long as i look pretty”..but are you ? really, what kind of person would be ?

Rabbit Fur , Dog Fur, why not skin a cat fur ?
thought you had the quality but you have got the crapfur
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,
on your Bush…x2
the only fur i’d wanna see is the one thats on your Bush,

Been down the fur shop wax your muff and all that,
but you fucking came back with a fluffy fur hat
I seen a poster offering a reward for you lost cat
whats the reward for fur on the back ?
what if you were killed for your fur coat ?
seen that PETA advert where that bloke
picks up a pole and wacks her round her boat
strips off her back spreads blood like a moat


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me


Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap


How about i skin you and wear you too you
can wear your fur while i wear a fuck you
You wanna wear fur? Well I wanna wear you
I think I’d look really nice in a hat made of boobs
Believe me there’s only one fur I wanna see
And it’s not the one on your coat lady
Think a bit more personally
Now get out your badger, and show it to me

Are you so scared to show the skin that you’re in
That you’d rather wear that of another living thing
Well it ain’t living now, it’s remains in the bin
And the chances that it died humanely are slim
You wouldn’t wear your pet dog so why wear that
There’s no difference between fido and your fucking mink hat
And if you think there is then you’re truly a twat
Now stand in line as I give you all a slap
a slap a slap

Good News – We found your lost kitten / Puppy ! Bad News is your wearing it !

Hannibal Cover hannibal returns


©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)
Cover art by kind permission of www.julianhanford.com

handout WEB

Battle for TAIJI Dolphins JAZA VOTE – 太地町のイルカ猟 との戦いは。水族館やシーワールドとの戦い。

Battle for TAIJI Dolphins JAZA VOTE – 太地町のイルカ猟 との戦いは。水族館やシーワールドとの戦い。

県太地町伝統追い込み漁で捕獲したイルカの水族館展示をめぐり、世界動物園水族館協会、が内部の倫理規範に違反するとして、日本動物園水族館協会 に改善・除名通告を行っていた問題で、都内でWAZA加盟継続の賛否を問う会員投票を行い、WAZA残留の投票が多数を占めた。関係者が明らかにした。

poster 5

JAZA (The Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums) vote burst on to Media this week. Despite efforts in Japan to restrict any articles that criticize the Taiji Dolphin Trade, The global issue of a Japanese vote on whether to continue to take Dolphins from Taiji Cove could not be kept in the dark.

All responses from the Wakayama Taiji homestretch fishing Prefecture (unsurprisingly) were aggressively in support of the continuation of Dolphin Hunting and stated that the JAZA vote against, had been forced wholly  by the World Aquariums Association. Accordingly, most official Japanese mainland News reports stuck to , and in support of the Fishing Industry line that opposition to Dolphin hunting is based on a global racism against Japanese Fishing and Culture a number of press houses opened the story to discussion, or otherwise remained non judgmental of the Taiji Trade.

The People of Japan, (as in every other Country that promotes censorship on controversial Media) have limited access to the balanced facts around the Ethics and Danger over Dolphin Hunting, and, without a counter Media against the main Japanese press machine; public opinion will not shift against the hunt. Despite this, progress has been made on social Media where there is access to a number of global information campaigns over the hunt.

Support is growing on the ground As Japanese people, through Social Media, become more and more aware of the issues around Dolphin Driving in Taiji. Organizing direct action on the ground in Japan is particularly difficult due to, amongst other things, anti protest powers within the Japanese Police allowing demonstrators to be held in cells without charges for up to 28 days. Culturally in Japan, to be held this long will result in dismissal from places of work or colleges and make it exceptionally difficult to find re-employment. Public complaint is frowned upon at all levels of society. Restrictions on day to day living such as these help to dispel public protest at all levels.

There is no ONE, Country-wide, well financed animal rights Lobby in Japan to target campaigns. Though Global Support provides an umbrella for smaller groups on the ground. Smaller groups looking for Media Coverage of related campaigns are welcome to contract us at FISHNABOX and we can run News Press on your Campaigns. Just Inbox “FISHINABOX”.

While direct action is difficult, Japan responds exceptionally well to Media. Whoever owns the Media owns public opinion in Japan. Engage with the Japanese Public, help them see and understand the ethical issues and the health issues around farming Dolphin Meat in Taiji Cove.

The following (below noted) Protest Groups are seeking to raise awareness over the issues and a number of them are now starting to link in global campaigns combining to drive awareness globally and on the ground in Japan:

ACTION GROUPS: Dolphin Project / Dolphin Dreams / Cove Guardians / Fishinabox Records/ Care for the Wild / Born Free Foundation / Dolphin Angels / Captive Cetaceans / Boycott Seaworld / Blackfish Advocates ).

Seek out these online groups on Facebook or Twitter and add your voice to breaking the media black out on the Taiji Dolphin Trade. Japanese People are not getting access to all the facts and in order to voice issue against Taiji, they need your support to better understand the Global disagreement with the Dolphin Trade.

THIS WEEK – Public Outrage / Concern in Japan over Taiji: (Social Media Feed Comments)

殺処分停止を願います。 イルカ狩り反対、この日本で毎年9月から4月まで和歌山県太地町(たいじ町)でイルカ漁が行われている、残酷な狩りの様子はドキュメンタリー映画【ザ・コーヴ】を見れば分かります (I hope culling will stop. I am against Dolphin hunting , The Japan Wakayama Prefecture Taiji carry out dolphin fishing from September to April in Taiji. So very very cruel hunting , if you don’t know about it,then watch [The Cove] Film Documentary

日本の市民の皆さん、イルカ達を助けて下さい。世界が太地町のイルカ生体販売とイルカ漁を見ています。(Japanese people, please help the dolphins. The world is watching  the dolphin trade and fishing in Taiji.)

今再びイルカ漁が問題視されてるから「ザ・コーヴ」観たんだけど、あの行為を伝統だからという理由で続けちゃいけないなという感想を持った。伝統は受け継がれていくべきだという考えは少し頑固な考え方であって時には伝統を終わらせることも必要であると思う。とりあえずイルカ漁に反対ですね。(I watched “The Cove” again, and I am now of the impression that the hunting on grounds of tradition should be left alone . I think sometimes we need to forget about carrying on traditions , it is a stubborn way of thinking. I am opposed to the dolphin fishing now)

イルカ肉は、人間の消費には向いていないのですか?私たちは学校でそれを食べます!子どもによる毒の誤飲事故に注意 ?!!!??? (Dolphin meat, dangerous for human consumption? but we eat it at school ! so Children are accidentally eating poisons? !!! ???)

私たちの国の恥 ! 。イルカ肉は毒されています。日本人は毒殺イルカ肉についての真実を求めて!! (It will save Shame on our Nation. Dolphin meat has been poisoned. we want to know the truth about poisoned dolphin meat !!)

NHKによれば世界の水族館などへのイルカ輸出の9割以上を日本一国がやっていたわけか。これでは世界動物園水族館協会や動物愛護国際団体が怒るのも無理はないだろうと思う。(More than 90% of the dolphin exports come from Japan, such as the world of Aquarium NHK. It is not a surprise it upsets the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums and animal welfare international organizations )

日本人は批判されていません。日本の漁業と政府が批判されています。日本人は私たちが腐敗を止める助けなければなりません。(Japanese people are not being criticized . The Japanese Fishery Business and government of Japan have been criticized. Japanese people must complain ! . )

(WAZA -) イルカ漁には基本的に反対だな。牛や豚の肉を食っていながら、ことさらイルカの肉を食うなとということではない。繊細な感情を持つ高等動物のイルカに苦しい思いをさせるな、とだけ言いたい。伝統・文化だからという説明では、残酷なイルカの殺戮を正当化できないと思う / イルカ漁 ((THE WORLD ASSOCIATION OF ZOOS AND AQUARIUMS) It’s basically opposed to dolphin fishing. While not eating cattle and pig meat, it does not mean that deliberately and Na eat the meat of the dolphin. Do not let the painful thought to dolphin of higher animals with delicate feelings, and I want to say only. In the explanation that because tradition and culture, I think that it can not justify the slaughter of the cruel dolphin / dolphin fishing))


WAZA vote – (English Language)External Press links:







和歌山県太地町の追い込み漁  / イルカ追い込み漁  / 太地町のイルカ漁は


太地のイルカ、入手か否か 静岡県内水族館、影響を懸念。追い込み漁のイルカ入手続行か中止か、水族館苦悩 日本協会

DOWNLOAD and SHARE these TAIJI Awareness posters BELOW on your Social Media Posts: 

Exception to COPYRIGHT © 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved) only permits the making of copies of all campaign posters featured on this page SOLEY for the purpose of campaign action agasint TAIJI COVE.




FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Live animal trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS  does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.





: 24 May 06:00 Early Show at The Spread Eagle, 267 Victoria Avenue, Sounthend on Sea, SS2 6NE…FREE ENTRY

: 29 May 20:00–01:00 at 93 Feet East, The Truman Brewery along Brick Lane for an early summer party with live music from an eclectic mix of extremely talented homegrown London musicians and singers including Midnight Choir The Lucky 7, Richard Lianhart Ashleigh Ashley and SOLSINE with their featured singers and rapper Mila Falls Nadine Wild Palmer Hannah Symons Santi Santego and Brownie. Then this will all be finished off with a bangin’ garage DJ set from our all time favourite DJ Full Spektrum ! Boom! and….Psssst…..FREE ENTRY!!

Lucky 7 has become a regular sought after local act delivering an ever expanding live set with a string of re-bookings , positive reviews and growing street following. Urban Street Musical Graffiti. London East Acoustic Rap – EXPLICIT CONTENT

Banner-explicit-WEB2 bYELLOW




Street Sound Urban Busker Musical Graffiti London East Acoustic Rapper Docklands to Essex Club performer Lucky 7’s debut EP, Taking East London Vibe to the Masses. The Artist takes inspiration from many acoustic artists and influences mixing in comedy to sweeten the bitter pill of city life serious issues. Get Lucky is a sharp dose of city reality picking up the day to day up’s and downs that the rising generation face as they find there feet in an already over sold over done world.




A master re-working of the Massive Thai Buddhist track “No Subscription to your Paradise” . Remodeled for the Japanese Fan and market by popular demand this is Meditative Trance Fusion at its very best.



(楽園への拒絶 – Japan REMIX 2015)

I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to stop freely and wonder under falling cherry blossom, as i pass through the garden of life , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.

NO subscription to your paradise.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to you paradise.

I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I hear no breath. I feel no hope.
Nor whisper of faith from those who have died to fulfil the glory of another’s divine right or privilege.


I will neither live , nor die to fulfill your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.


I will make NO subscription to your paradise.


I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams,
I choose my fate,. to step and let cherry blossom fall, as i pass through the garden , never to follow , ever to lead


I will make NO subscription to you paradise,


I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I will neither live , nor die to fulfil your dreams
I will neither live, nor die to enhance your self righteous being.

I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.
I choose to walk the path of my own dreams, never to follow, ever to lead.



Lyrics by Penny Rimbaud CRASS / EXIT  / Andie Handie Kumafaro FISHINABOX

Translations / Vocalist 旅する写真家,

Trumpet, Synth and Drum Programming Andie Handie Kumafaro,

Hang Drum / Tank Drums by Chase at www.tankdrum.com

Genre – POST PUNK – anti-capitalist /anti-religion

©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)

FISHINABOX – Papillon – Animal Rights & Evolution in CHINA 蝴蝶象征 – 进化 – 中国社会变迁


 FISHINABOX – Papillon – Animal Rights and Evolution in China 蝴蝶象征 – 进化 – 中国社会变迁


中国社会变迁: 当代中国社会变迁主要指1978年以来中国社会的整体结构及其组成要素的运动、变化和发展。中国将如何演变?

China is a land of constant Change. For Many,  as we start the Chinese New Year, there is a sense of transformation – a time to evaluate life in its current state and set goals for manifesting change. With that in mind we look to Traditional Chinese Symbolism to raise awareness over change, for better or worse.

The butterfly symbolizes transformation change and evolution. We can draw lessons from watching the butterflies need for constant movement and liken it from where we are to our next phase of being.

蝴蝶象征 – 进化

蝴蝶象徵著進化的過程,蝴蝶從幼蟲到蛹的蛻變,是一種精神進化的的過程及象徵意義。想像一下就和人類的靈魂進化一樣,如同我們在心靈旅程中,經過無數次的人生 。

Fundamental and traditional Chinese cultural worldviews emphasize caring for animals, including Taoism and Buddhist vegetarianism. Iconic Classical Chinese Taoists Zhuangzi advocated compassion for all sentient beings. yet in recent times, in mainland China there has been increasing indifference to animal suffering. As China continues to grow exponentially with Global Trade and cultural reform, we must ask the question how can China hope to instill ethical “evolutionary” growth in line with unchecked demand for industrial growth ?


Mao Zedong’s revolutionary works were in great part, a source for cultural change and growing indifference to Animal rights, having been largely misunderstood on the subject of animal welfare. For the most part that they referred to caring about animals as “counter-revolutionary” which has caused an ingrained political indifference to “sentient” responsibility. In reality the Confusion came from a lack of reflection on Mao’s work to being tied to social events at the time of the revolution. These events focused on the Bourgeoisie owning animals and those animals being symbolic of concentrated wealth, corruption and power to which the Communist revolution was committed to bring to its knees.

In addition, Since 1978. China, politically, has reinforced growth and avoidance of famine at the expense of ethics in food production which is seen as essential in shoring up government stability and is core policy. Local officials are evaluated based on local jobs and revenue over an above animal welfare yet when we look at Chinese culture the symbolism  in the Chinese Horoscope there is a natural reverence with the Animal Kingdom which seems grossly out of step with industrial demand.

Despite Historical Chinese philosophy regarding Animals as “sentient”, there is increasing evidence around the exploding Fur trade industry, provision of “on the spot” livestock slaughter, globalized “stack em high” meat trade as well as, thankfully much less so when compared on scale though still focal, the cult of the Yulin Dog Festival.

China since the early 1990’s has lost focus on cultural priorities in favor of pursuing exploding available growth on the global markets.

Animal welfare and rights in China is a topic of keen interest for the nation as a backlash to ever more “effective” farming production.  Animal-rights activists in the West frequently condemn China’s treatment of animals despite hailing from nations that financially support and drive unethical “scale” practices in Asia and , from a retail, point of view happily embrace the by products  and by profits of the globalized livestock trade through Chinese expansion.

In response to constant Social Media pressure, movements towards animal welfare and animal rights are now finally expanding in China, including among them, homegrown Chinese activists groups. Chinese people are recognizing that driving production to meet foreign investment and demand is thoroughly a non Chinese and is culturally and ethically offensive to the general population.

With these sentiments; China, politically, and as a nation, needs to look to its cultural and ethical roots and step back from falling into the ever widening spiraling trap of the short term elitist gains of Western globalization.

When looking at the terminology “evolution” (from its literal meaning of “unfolding” of something into its true or explicit form) the process clearly should carry a connotation of gradual improvement or directional growth whereas the term “devolution” is as an antonym to evolution and indicates such degeneration or decrease in overall quality or perfection.

Is then the process of Globalization for China, and the impact on basic ethics through Industrial growth and “Westernized” economies (that also includes UAE / South Korea) demand for cheap product actually “devolution” ? A decaying of all that China has grown to become in it’s long historical journey ?

The way for China to move forward as a nation is to be fundamentally Chinese,. not to be just a parody of Western Greed. It is time for China, to settle its feet firmly on the ground and legislate on matters of ethics, to listen to rising dissent on the ground over animal welfare and close the doors to foreign greed and avarice.


蝴蝶象征 –  演化 / 灵魂 / 扩张 / 亮度 / 过渡 / 表达 / 复活 / 演化 / 动态 / 发育

Butterflies (Animal Rights Issues) in the News: – The Symbolic Death of Chinese Culture: 

Chinese exhibition releases thousands of butterflies to promote their conservation, and most are killed when people try to catch them


Hundreds of butterflies were chased and stamped to death by visitors during a commercial promotion at a furniture store in Chengdu, southwest China’s Sichuan province on March 28/2015



 希望大家都關注動物權益。(我们必须思考未来。) – 新年快樂 !

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ニュース – ジャパン : 太地町 – Japanese News Report TAIJI COVE

ニュース – ジャパン : 太地町 – Japanese News Report TAIJI COVE: PREVIEW LINK


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2009年に公開された”The Cove”は、オスカー賞に値するくらい素晴らしい映画でした。しかし、既にその公開から5年が経ち、私達の映画の記憶も薄れてきてしまいました。その中で、私達はこのイルカに対する絶対的な侮辱でしかない暴力を忘れずに、世界中のメディアにおける論点としてとどめ続けなければなりません。

太地町で今起きていることは、自然を大切にし、イルカのような知性の高い動物の保護や未来を考えている私達全員に影響を与えています。私がお伝えした通り、日本で毎年20,000頭ものイルカが殺されている中、そのうち2,000から3,000頭が太地湾でその生涯を終えます。 太地町については、様々な問題が取り沙汰されており、土着文化についてもたくさんの議論がなされています。先ほど、道端で会った友人が日本人は何故イルカ肉を食べる必要があるか全く理解できないのだから、我々はテロリストだと言っていました。イルカ肉はとても気味が悪く、誰も食べたいと思うようなものではありません。また、水銀も含まれていることから、体にもよくありません。そしてそのほとんどが、クジラ肉として日本の市場に出回っています。日本でも誰かがイルカ肉を食べたがるとは到底思えず、そのほとんどが犬の餌になってしまっているでしょう。これこそ、私達が伝えたいことなのです。殺されたイルカたちのほとんどが犬の餌へと姿を変えてしまっている。これは侮辱以外の何ものでもありません。


そしてその処刑方法は日本でさえもきまり悪く感じる程のものであることを、私達は、既に知っています。日本が防水シートや、バリアを使い、本当に起きていることから、公衆の目をそらそうとしていることも。それでも、彼らは、イルカ達が人道的な方法で殺されるよう努めると宣言しているのです。もう動物たちの首を切ったりしない、海を血でそめたりしないと。その代わり、彼らは人道的方法でイルカを水揚げした後、(真実とは異なるものの)死ぬまでの時間が短くて済むという理由だけで、ぞれぞれの個体の脊髄に刺を刺し、殺そうとしています。科学者や動物学者等の専門家によれば、そのような屠殺方法では、イルカたちは本当に死ぬまで想像を絶する痛みに7分間も耐えなければならないのです。それだけに留まらず、 捕獲されたイルカ達はこのような光景を目の当たりにしなければならないのです。社会的で知性の高いイルカ達が、仲間の殺されていく姿を目の当たりにしているのです。

このような屠殺方法は、世界中のどの牛舎でも行われていないのに、日本ではイルカに対して行うことが許されています。全くの侮辱です。こうして殺されていったイルカ達は一頭あたり600米ドル程の金額で取引されています。 もしもこれだけであれば、未だにイルカ漁を続けているような地域は存在しないでしょう。しかし、実はそこには慈善団体が注力し、自然愛の革を被った水族館やイルカ園といった、もう一つのビジネスが存在しているのです。




映画ブラックフィッシュ(Blackfish)はご覧になりましたでしょうか。ザ・コーブ(The Cove)に並ぶ素晴らしい作品でした。本作品の監督は、勇敢にもSeaworld(在フロリダ)が世に送り出す綺麗事の宣伝文句の裏側に潜む、戦慄の様相を世界の人々に届けることに尽力していました。今後Seaworldは、彼らが飼っている生き物たちは太地湾と関係が無いと言い始めることでしょう。しかし、太地湾に住んでいた動物たちの子孫を引き取っているということに何の違いがあるのでしょうか。万が一Seaworldがこの事態をやり抜けることができたとしたとしても、アラブ首長国やエジプト、韓国といった 今後更に動物園への需要が高まることが予想される準先進各国は、どこからかイルカを見つけてこなければならないのです。そして最終的には、太地湾や、ソロモン諸島などのイルカの生息地へ向かい、非人道的で気味の悪い方法をとるのです。


そのような事態に直面している私達の心には、なぜ海洋動物達の保護は不十分なのだろう、なぜ私達だけただ欲望のために動物を搾取して、世界中の都市に連れて行くことが許されているのだろうという疑問が当然浮かびあがってきます。なぜ現代文明社会呼ばれる世界に住む私達が、イルカのフリッパーが後ろ宙返りをするのを見たいと思うのでしょうか。 私達 は、彼の両親が殺され、彼自身や世界中の仲間たちが非人道的な環境で除々に狂っていくようなひどい一生を送ることを知っておきながら、なぜそう思えるのでしょうか。


このような現状はもう受け入れることはできません。日本のような豊かな先進国が何の裁きも受けずにやり過ごそうとしている現状を受け入れることができません。 そして、国際社会がそれに対して何の対策も取っていないという事実を受け入れることができません。何かが起きなければいけません。「CITES( Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora=絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の種の国際取引に関する条約 )」は、絶滅危惧種の保護に役立っていますが、そのリストにイルカを加え、水族館へと運ばれていく太地湾のイルカ達についても保護していく必要があります。このような動きは既になされているべきであり、もしそうでなければ、世界中でその実現に向けた努力がなされているべきです。私達は、海岸線沿いに住むイルカ達がいったい何頭いて、どのような脅威にさらされているのかということについてもっと知らなければなりません。ただ、それでも私達は、漁師や船舶、海水汚染や気候変動の影響でたくさんのイルカが死に至っている事実を前に、日本では毎年2万頭という数のイルカ達が少しの気も払われずに殺されていることを正当化することはできません。


私は、キャロライン・ケネディが在日アメリカ合衆国大使に着任後、本問題を取り上げている姿を見て、嬉しく思いました。 また、私は、あなた方が問題提起をしたお陰で、下院議員もこの問題について議論を始めたことを嬉しく思いました。そして、私は、アメリカ連邦議会でも怒れる市民の影響を受けて、同様の事態が起きていることを大変喜ばしく感じています。しかしそんな中、各国政府は厳しい選択を迫られています。もしも、日本がこのまま殺りくを続けるならば、経済制裁で対応しなければなりません。そして日本に対して、イルカを殺し続けるならば、車や家電製品といった日本からの輸入物には、多額の関税をかけると言ってのけなければなりません。あのイルカ達よりも、日産の方が大切なのでしょうか?年10億ドルものビジネスを扱うソニーの方が大事でしょうか?そんなはずがありません。こんなメッセージだけが、日本人の心に届き、結果的に現状を変えることに繋がっていくのです。


水族館についても、数多くの同様な規制や条例がありますが、そのうちの幾つかは何の役にも立っていません。世界水族館協会には日本が会員として所属しながら、太地湾で起こっている事態に対して遺憾の意を表明しています。 私達は、IWC(International Whaling Commission=国際捕鯨委員会)でも、日本がそのシステムの穴を見つけ出し、「科学的調査」の一環として、南極に住むミンククジラを大量に殺していながら、その事実が黙認されていることを知っています。そして、ミンククジラの肉は市場へとなげこまれていくのです。そうでなければ、イルカの肉がクジラ肉として販売されるわけがありません。私達はIWCのどこかにある抜け穴を閉じ、日本で起きているクジラ・イルカ殺しを止めなければなりません。




イルカビジネスがどんなにうんざりすることか、そして動物たちがどんなに残忍な方法で殺されているかを世に伝えましょう。そして、ベニドルムやエジプト等世界各地の水族館に無計画に連れて行かれるイルカ達の悲惨な現状について情報を発信しましょう。たくさんの声が集まるほど、この殺りくを止める力が増して行きます。The Dolphin Taiji Action Group(イギリス)の皆さん、有難うございます。素晴らしい活動をしているSea Shepardの皆さん、ありがとうございます。日本で、嘘や嫌がらせ、脅しを受けながらも写真を撮り続けている勇敢な方々、有難うございます。どうか、Care for the Wildのような慈善団体にもそのサポートを提供してください。 そうすることで、旅行代理店を通じて活動を続ける、全世界の観光業界に対して、観光客や世界各地の人々を水族館へ案内することはもう耐えられないというプレシャーをかけることができ、観光キャンペーンをあるべき姿へと変えることができます。私達は、ヴァージンホリデイを始めとする航空会社とも議論を行っておりますが、私達には皆様のサポートが必要なのです。


Taiji, set them free, Taiji Set them free


Taiji, let them be, Taiji let them be


We will speak up. We will be counted. We will fight to protect the future for these animals. All of you must remember that. All of you must keep telling your friends that they must keep fighting for this cause as well.

Do any of you believe for a moment that this campaign is not making any difference ? No , you know it is. You know that we are winning this heart’s and minds battle. I meet children everyday who tell me that they will no longer go to marine parks like Seaworld. When they grow up and have children themselves they won’t take their children to see either, look a few months ago you would have seen Ric O Barry here, he will be back in Brighton in the middle of March for whalefest again coming to Britain because as a campaigner who’s been right on this issue for over 40 years, that now the center of activity against this horrible trade is here in Britain so please keep fighting this cause, please keep fighting, remember this is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs. It is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs and one day we will learn that we will be judged as a civilization by the way we treat the animals around us. These animals are intelligent, they are gentle, they are wonderful creatures, they do us no harm and we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. (fades out)

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English Version Translation:

Radio feedback and interference – Ummm,,, tastes so good / The Taiji Butchers have brought great Shame upon Japan / It has always been this way, since a child i have eaten Dolphin Meat……

These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.

Now Dolphin’s around the world are under pressure like never before. Because of pollution, because of fishing, because of climate change. We’re not certain of what population numbers we can have; we know that they are falling rapidly and that they are highly endangered in many parts of the world yet they have no proper legal protection whatsoever, be it in national countries like Japan, or International agreements such as “CITES” and that is not right. The way that these animals are killed, the way that no one is keeping track of the impact on their numbers is an absolute disgrace. and the fact that the Japanese Government think they can get away with this and that the rest of the world will fall silent is not going to happen anymore.

What I am really pleased about, is that this issue is back on the top of the Media agenda again but its not on the top of the Media agenda because of the newspapers and the television. It’s because of people like you here in the cities around the world and because of the growing power of social media; because your’e putting it on Twitter, your’e putting it on Facebook, your’e getting angry, your forcing Al Jazeera and the BBC to get this back on our television screens to tell us the real horror that is going on in Taiji and the other parts of Japan as well. We know that “The Cove” in 2009 was a great film, we know it deserved and Oscar but it’s now 5 years ago and memories are very short and all of us here must keep this on the global media agenda because this is an absolute disgrace.

Now what happens in Taiji impacts all of us, all of us who care about wildlife, all of us who care about the future and protection of intelligent animals like Dolphins. As I said, over 20,000 of these animals are killed of the Japanese coast every year, nearly 2, to 2 and a half thousand of them are killed in Taiji Cove. Now there are many issues around Taiji. Lot’s of discussion about culture and we saw our friend on the road earlier who said we are all terrorists because we do not understand the need for Japanese people to eat Dolphin meat. Let me tell you something about Dolphin meat, it’s pretty disgusting stuff. No one really wants to eat it. It;s got lots of Mercury in it so it’s pretty unhealthy as well and most of it is passed of as Whale meat in the Japanese market, to get to be a bit more valuable and all most certainly people don’t want to eat Whale meat in Japan either and most of that end’s up as Dog food so that’s what we are really talking about here. All these animals are being killed largely to end up as Dog food. That’s an absolute disgrace.

and the actual killing of these animals; we know over the years that the Japanese have been ashamed. They have tried to hide it from the Public, putting tarpaulin, putting barriers in so that you can’t see what’s really going on. and trying to ensure; they say; that they kill these animals in a humane way. We no longer cut their throats they tell you, we no longer have the sea running red with the blood of these dead animals , no we take them out of the water in a humane way, we put them together then we stick spikes into their spinal cords and that kills them quickly we are told, well it doesn’t ! We know that scientists and veterinary experts will tell you, it takes about 7 minutes to kill a Dolphin like that in excruciating pain. Not only that, they do it in front of the other Dolphin’s that they’re killing too, these animals in such social groups and such intelligence are slaughtered in front of each other.

Now those slaughter methods would not be allowed in any slaughterhouse for a cow anywhere in the world but they are allowed in Japan to kill Dolphins which is an absolute disgrace. The actual value of one of those Dolphins is only about 600 dollars. If that was really all what this was worth it would all be over by now, no culture would keep that going, but there’s another darker side to this business that “Care for the Wild” and other charities have been focusing on and that’s the Marine Park and the Dolphinarium business.

They are buying Dolphins from Taiji. The pretty bottle-nose Dolphins that you may go and see in theme parks if you are stupid and ignorant enough not to think, are worth nearly 300,000 dollars each at the top of the market. Selling one of those Dolphin’s will bring in more money than any fisherman can earn in a year. and that’s what is keeping this whole slaughter going. Its not culture, it’s capitalism, it’s commercial greed in the blood of Dolphin’s and that greed is feeding the Marine Park business around the world.

Now all of us, I hope, have had a chance to see “BlackFish”. What a wonderful piece of work alongside “The Cove”. Brave Directors who have worked hard to produce a film that has really brought home the horror behind the scenes of the commercial glossy PR machines that is Seaworld. Now Seaworld will tell you, we’re not involved in the Taiji hunts and the Taiji drives, yes, but they are taking offspring from animals that are taken from Taiji so they are part of it and if Seaworld are successful then in the developing world and the United Arab Emirates, in Egypt, in South Korea and other places where there is a demand for more Marine Parks, and when they open up they’ve gotta find their Dolphin’s and they will be heading to Taiji Cove or the Solomon Islands or other parts of the world where they will round up these animals in this inhumane and disgusting way.

So all of us have to ask ourselves this question, why is it that these animals don’t have enough protection ? Why is it that we are able to exploit them for greed and put them in concrete jungle around the world ? Why is it in the so called modern civilized world we still want to see “Flipper” doing backdrops when we know that all his parents have been murdered and that he lives an inhumane life that is sending him gradually crazy in the most inhumane conditions in many parts of the world.

It’s no longer acceptable, It’s no longer acceptable that a developed rich country like Japan can get away with this. It’s no longer acceptable that the International community does nothing about it. So there are a number of things that must happen here. “CITES”, The international Framework of United Nations that actually does protect the trade endangered species needs to up-list Dolphins and needs to make sure that you can no longer take them from hunts like Taiji and put them into Marine Parks. That should be happening , there should be an international drive to make that happen. We need to know more about the numbers of Dolphin’s around our coastline and the pressure that they’re under. We know that fisherman are killing them, we know that we are killing them with boats, we know that their numbers are being impacted by pollution and climate change and there is no way that you can justify killing something like 20,000 a year in Japan without anyone taking a blind bit of notice.

I am pleased to see that Caroline Kennedy is the new Japanese Ambassador for the United States and has raised concerns. I am pleased to see that MP’s in the House of Commons are starting to debate and discuss this issue because people like you have raised it with them. I am pleased to see that Congressman Government in the United States are doing the same because people in America are angry, quite rightly angry about this too. But then Governments have got to take some tough decisions. If the Japanese keep slaughtering, they you have to start threatening them with Trade Sanctions, you’ve got to say to the Japanese, if you want to start importing your cars, your electronic products we’re going to put tariffs on them if you keep killing Dolphin’s. Are those Dolphin’s more valuable to you that your Nissan Car Business ? Or your Sony Electronics Business which is worth hundreds of billions of dollars a year ? no it isn’t ! That’s the only message they are going to understand that’s going to shut down this Business.

We’ve also got to have more regulation and control of these so called Marine Parks. The international framework for these organizations is highly abused. The so called International Aquarium Association has the Japanese body within it’s affiliate membership despite the fact they they say they are not in agreement with what goes on in Taiji Cove. We know the Japanese abuse the system at the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and that allows them to so called, kill Minke Whales in large numbers in the southern oceans under a loophole for so called scientific research. They dump that Whale-meat into the market. If they weren’t killing Whales in that way, the wouldn’t be passing Dolphin meat off as Whale meat either so we need to shut the loop hole in the International Whaling Commission and we need to stop the Japanese killing those Whales.

That’s quite right why the New Zealand Government and the Australian Government are taking Legal action against the Japanese Government in the Haig, I wish them well with that but at the same time we must have actions to protect Dolphins too, all of us have a responsibility for this. What you are doing here today is fantastic. This is civic society at it’s best. People giving up their time, coming together, designing their own posters, their Facebook sites and telling everyone they know that this is a disgusting mess.

Now the Police are telling us they might get upset if we show one of these gory pictures to a member of the Public, well don’t hold back, keep showing the gory pictures because the Japanese Government have been doing everything they can to keep those gory images away from everyone and its your responsibility, and all of our responsibility to get the truth out there.

You tell people how disgusting this trade is ! You tell them how brutal it is how these animals are slaughtered. You tell them what happens to these Dolphin’s that are taken away and put into Marine Parks. You tell them that it’s disgusting that they go to a Marine Park in Benidorm or Egypt or any part of the word without thinking about the consequences. The more we get that message out there, the more we can put a stop to this brutality. Thank you very much to the Dolphin Taiji Action Group here in the UK. Thank you very much to “Sea Shepard” who have done a fantastic job. Thank you to the brave people who are in Japan taking pictures, going down, despite the imitation, bullying and threats they take and please give your support to Charities like “Care for the Wild” because what we are doing to right tourism campaign is putting pressure on the International tourism business who act through the Travel Agency businesses to say that it’s no longer acceptable to be sending your tourists, your people to these Marine Parks. We are having that discussion with the airlines, with Virgin Holidays and other Businesses but we need your support.

The more support we can have, the more impact we can have. So we’ll get back on that street, we’ll make some bloody noise and we’ll male sure everyone’s going to listen to us. This disgusting slaughter will stop but it will stop because we’ll shame Japan, and we’ll shame the international community to stop it for good and this world will be a better place without it. Thank you very much.

Taiji, set them free, Taiji Set them free

These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.

Taiji, let them be, Taiji let them be

These are the Arguments being raised by the West against the hunting of Dolphin’s in Japan.

We will speak up. We will be counted. We will fight to protect the future for these animals. All of you must remember that. All of you must keep telling your friends that they must keep fighting for this cause as well.

Do any of you believe for a moment that this campaign is not making any difference ? No , you know it is. You know that we are winning this heart’s and minds battle. I meet children everyday who tell me that they will no longer go to marine parks like Seaworld. When they grow up and have children themselves they won’t take their children to see either, look a few months ago you would have seen Ric O Barry here, he will be back in Brighton in the middle of March for whalefest again coming to Britain because as a campaigner who’s been right on this issue for over 40 years, that now the center of activity against this horrible trade is here in Britain so please keep fighting this cause, please keep fighting, remember this is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs. It is not about Animal Rights, it is about Human Wrongs and one day we will learn that we will be judged as a civilization by the way we treat the animals around us. These animals are intelligent, they are gentle, they are wonderful creatures, they do us no harm and we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. we have no right to harm them. (fades out)



©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)

CITY SLICKERS (Original Version) – Single

CITY SLICKERS (Original Version) – Single PREVIEW LINK :

CITY SLICKERS (Original VERSION) focuses on the Gross misconduct of City Financial Sector Traders and Decision Makers and there scant disregard to corporate responsibility specifically with regard to social irresponsibility and drug and amphetamine use throughout the London City Square mile.

The Taxes that have been masked/hidden away by effective “WEALTH MANAGEMENT” by Corporations and City Workers alike in the London City Square Mile Alone cover the entire UK “BENEFIT STREET” annual bill so why are the Media and political scaremongers focusing on the press on the endless immigration loafer headlines, migration of workers, the supposed work shy north, endless processed food diets from food banks and people on the dole with flat screen TV’s when the real criminals , jobs for the boys, and turning a blind eye to completely unacceptable anti-social behavior are laughing it up and living it up on tax breaks down south… This track is about getting you to think about that,… whether you like the song or not.. well,. who gives a damn,

How do I know about it ? Because I have been right in the heart of it..this is a wake up call for the UK .. Don’t believe what the Media and Politicians have been spoon feeding you.. Sick of the cover up / sick of the lies… We are all being cheated !


Two fuckin Henry’s make a Rory my son, no less no more, more ,more, more.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Persian Rugs, Kisses n Hugs.
Hit Me !
Major banks and Financial firms are increasingly carrying out drug testing their employees in a bid to cut out abuse in city workers. Hit Me !
A study by the Rowntree foundation found anecdotal evidence for an increase of Drug testing in some high profile firms. Hit Me ! Particularity in the Financial Sector where there are no obvious health or safety justifications. Hit Me !
There’s one gaff we worked at that had a snortin room
There’s one gaff we worked at that had a snortin room. Hit me !
People turn a blind eye to Drugs and Alcohol, but also with a range of other behaviour because they don’t want to lose a key employee. Hit Me !
Someone who can make a lot of Money.
Someone who can make a lot of Money. Hit Me !
I ain’t seen a vicar’s daughter of that skunk mate !
I’d rather be benny’d up that off with Bob Hope ! Hit Me !
Two fuckin Henry’s make a Rory my son, no less no more.
Money, Money, Money, no less no more. Hit Me !
Money, Money, Money, no less no more.
Money, Money, Money, Hit Me !
Money, Money, Money, no less no more.
People turn a blind eye to Drugs and Alcohol, but also with a range of other behaviour because they don’t want to lose a key employee.
Someone who can make a lot of Money.
You’re havin’ a Turkish
On an average of 1,500 staff randomly checked for Drugs, 41 were found to be users of cocaine, 124 synthetic drugs and 28 for cannabis and unclassified narcotics.
Money, Money, Money, a lot of Money.
Money, a lot of Money. Hit Me !
Two fuckin’ Henry’s make a Rory my son, no less no more.
Money, a lot of Money. No less no more. Hit Me !
A lot of Money.
A lot of Money. Hit Me !
City Workers out on the Town.
City Workers out on the Town.
City Workers out on the Town are also resorting to crack cocaine. It’s growth has been orchestrated by street dealers offering smaller clubbing rocks, Across the City of London, the numbe of addicts seeking help with crack based addictions has climbed by (Hit Me !) nearly 50% over the last year.
50% over the last year. Hit Me !
Hit Me !
I ain’t seen a vicar’s daughter of that skunk mate !

©℗ 2015 FISHINABOX (All rights reserved)






The Fur campaign has got a lot of feedback from so called “Fur Lovers”,. Comments such as “Yeah sure, It’s out there, but the unethical stuff is over in China not here !” (Asian Fur Scandals Skinning Alive, Anal Electrocution – actually global export to Canada, South Korea and Arab States), “yeah yeah, Rabbits, Dogs and Cats oh my !,.” (but it doesn’t affect Europe right ?) and “I only wear High Furs, Guaranteed Ethically farmed”.

 FISHINABOX  decided to take a look into this feedback and do a little digging. A search and find mission to track back the Faro Fox and Mink high furs that are so favored by the “fashion elite and wanna bees” of  our Glamour Culture.

FISHINABOX wanted to understand what does it mean when you pop into stores like Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Joseph etc and the shop assistant says “It’s OK its Ethically Sourced…” What do they think is Ethical ? and does it meet expectations ? The mission was simple, look up the meaning of “Ethical” and sample test the industry to see if it meets expectations.

ETHICAL:being in accordance with the rules or standards for moral right conduct or practice“.  

What does Ethical mean to you ? look at the documented evidence below and then ask yourself the question.

Our research to chase “Ethical Fur Farming” has taken us to Norway, one of the main established bastions of the European Fur trade (after Denmark). Here are some of the Fur farms,. they seems to look just fine out here in the tranquil forest and mountain expanses, so let’s take a look on the inside track of the Ethical Fur Industry.

Engaging with the team on the ground: Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge via the Anti Fur Society to collect evidence from Norwegian Fur Farms.  Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge have been working tirelessly to gain access and document the Ethical Fur Trade in Norway we can now share the findings of the group to raise the question.

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Let’s meet some of the animals that live here

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In all cases , All fur farms investigated contained the same conditions. Animals keep in dire confinement have resorted to gnawing their own limbs, attacking each other, neglected,, eating excrement when not feed, death and disease is unchecked and carcasses are left with living animals.

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Conditions fare no better for other species

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Images courtesy of Nettverk for dyrs frihet/Dyrebeskyttelsen Norge

It goes on and on,.  Every farm every cage, every pen, the same story. This is where your Fur Trim comes from.

This is the little extra you get when you put the Fake Fur back on the rail and buy a real one. This is the result solely of YOUR action, YOUR purchasing power and the Fur Industry response “People want it, they demand it”,. do you demand this, really ?  There are 6,000 fur farms in the EU. The EU accounts for 63% of global mink production and 70% of fox production they exist because YOU want it !

Our busy globalized world is hard and fast and unrelenting on giving us all advice on what to eat , what to wear. Our Media feeds are constantly full of “spoon fed advice to pay up and shut up if you want to be someone, someone socially recognized”.

Endless exotic, sexualized eye candy to model ourselves on. Take a good look at what they represent, who benefits from this trade ? is it you ? or the select few ?

Decide whether you want to be associated with the hard and fast, buy now and think later culture or whether you want to abstain or even better help us turn the tide against it.

Celebrity Role Models that wear FUR in the Globalized Western World:




Animals that Wear FUR in the Globalized West World:

Who do you believe ?

If you want to help put a stop to these endless atrocities its simple, firstly MAKE IT FAKE,. that is the obvious step, if you want to get refunds on your Furs you have splashed out on, then in the links below we have ways for you to achieve that.

If you don’t want to seek refund, or are embarrassed to return goods, but still feel uncomfortable with owning Fur,. then pass yours to a homeless person, Charity shops wont generally take them so just give Good Karma a little chance and hand it over to someone who is genuinely freezing cold. Once that’s done and you are Fur Free then Join the Campaign AGAINST the glorification and celebration of Abuse.

Voice your concerns ? Protest: EVERY SATURDAY PROTEST ACTION OUTSIDE HARRODS 12 – 4.

Click the links below for more information:




FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.

SYRIAN REFUGEES – Sorrow without a voice – the untold story – WOMEN AT RISK

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SYRIAN REFUGEES – Sorrow without a voice the untold story – WOMEN AT RISK

The unspoken Horror of the Syria War

The one defining factor of the Syrian war, over and above all others , is the brutal sexual violence against (and specifically targeting) Women. Rape is the weapon of War in Syria, whether in the conflict zone, in refugee camps and housing programmes, the number of incidents are rising unchecked. Victims are very reluctant to report rape due to extreme and restrictive cultural values and stigma.

As Refugees slowly find relocation, the stories are starting to come to the table, but this area needs support and nurturing to be told. Fundamentally Women still do not have safe access to reliable services and support.

Survivors are very unlikely to seek support due to the risk of being killed by their families, shame and the fear of facing a continued cycle of physical and sexual violence including honor killing, survival sex, increased risk of early and coerced marriage, domestic violence and risk of suicide are all issues of concern.

With 1 in 4 visitors to community refugee clinics reporting or being identified as victims of sexual violence; the matter is out of control. Cases recorded in the conflict zone were already high but the impact of extreme poverty in the refugee camps and the “buy a bride” market, attracting men from all over the Gulf States, has resulted in women and young girls becoming “commercialized”, either with the intent to sell them in to marriage, or in to sexual and domestic abuse.

Through Album research on the scripting of “MESSAGE IN THE SAND” last year, FISHINABOX took a number of commentaries and statements from Syrian nationals disposed form their homeland, which were then incorporated as part of the lyrical story in the Album, this was one of the first musical platforms to raise this issue globally:

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مَاعَنَّا مَصَارِيْ .بْيَعِرْفُوْ اِنُّوْ مَا عَنُّا مَصَارِيْ وْمْشَانْ هِيْكْ عَمْيِسْتَغِلُّوْنَا

“We have no money, they know we have no money and that we can be exploited. (taken advantage of). We have no money, they know we have no money and that we can be exploited. (taken advantage of)”

مُعَسْكَرْ سُوْءْ الدَوَاب
عَمِنْعَانِيْ كِلُ يُوْمْ , لَا اَكِلْ , لَا مَيْ ,وَلَاشِيْ مَوْجُوْدْ.
شُوْ هَ لْحَيَاةْ؟ بِمَحَلْ الْنَاسْ فِيُّوْ عَبْتِنْبَاعْ مِتْلْ الْدَوَابْ وِالمَاشْيِه بِلْ أَسْوَاءْ ؟ مَاعَنَّا مَصَارِيْ .بْيَعِرْفُوْ اِنُّوْ مَا عَنُّا مَصَارِيْ وْمْشَانْ هِيْكْ عَمْيِسْتَغِلُّوْنَا .
بِنْتِيْ مَالْهَا آَمْنِه اِذَا طِلْعِتْ لَبَرَا لَحَالْهَا ,دَائِمَاً مْنِطْلَّعْ سَوَا وْهِيِّه عِمِرْهَا بَسْ عَشْرْ سْنِيْنْ

“We struggle everyday, for food, for water, everything is lacking. What is this life ? Where people are sold like animals in a market place ? We have no money, they know we have no money and that we can be exploited. (taken advantage of). My Daughter is not safe out alone we always go out together and she is only 10 years old.”

اَجُوْ رْجَاْلْ لَعَنَّا عَلْ مُخَيَّمْ .اَجُّوْ مِنْ اَكْتَرْ مِنْ بَلَدْ السعودية,قطر, الاردن. اَجُوْ مْشَانْ بَنَاتْنَا مْشَانْ يِطِلْبُوْ مِنَّا اِنُّوْ نْبِيْعْ بَنَاتْنَا مْشَانْ يِتْزَوَجُوُنْ .فِيْ عيلَاتْ خَلِتْ بَنَاتْهَا تْوَافِقْ عَلْ زَوَاجْ.المَصَارِيْ رَحْ تْسَاعْدُنْ مْشَانْ الْاَجَارْ وِالْاَكِلْ .
الْبَنَاتْ عَبِتْوَافِقْ عَلْ زَوَاجْ مِنْ غِرَبَا . عَانُو كْتِيْرْ وْبِدُّوْنْ مُجَرَّدْ زَوَّاجْ اَوْ حِمَايِّه ,مَأْوَّى,مَصَارِيْ وْلِبِسْ .الْشَغْلَّاتْ اِلِّليْ رَاحِتْ بِالحَرْبْ .
بِالْنِسْبِه لِلِبَنَاتْ الْصِغَارْ .مِنُّوْنْ عِمْرُوْنْ عَشْرْ سْنِيْنْ,كْتِيْرْ خِطْرَه .فِيْ بَنَاتْ اْنْخَطَفُوْ .خْتَارُوْ يِتْزَوَجُوْ مْشَانْ الْحِمَّايِّه.
استغلال العبد

“Men come to the camps, they come from many places, Saudi Arabia, Qatar Jordan. They follow our Daughters home and ask us to sell our daughters for marriage to them. Some families make girls accept Marriage proposals. The money helps to pay for rent, for food. Girls accept marriage proposals from strangers. They have suffered greatly and they look to marriage or protection, shelter, money clothing. The things they have lost through the war. For Young Girls, some as young as ten years old, It is very dangerous. Girls have been kidnapped. They choose Marriage for protection. This is exploitation of the people.”

لا استطيع تذكر منزلي بعد الان . لا استطيع تذكر وجه ابنتي . وجه . خسرنا كتير

“I cannot remember my home any more. I cannot remember the face of my daughter. We have lost so much.”


Excerpts from the Album “Message in the Sand” focusing on the issues of “Woman Trade and Domestic and Sexual Abuse among Syrian Refugees:

Transit Camp Cattle Market السوق

Zaghrota زغروطة

Flower in the Desert زهرة في الصحراء

In The News – Syrian Woman under pressure:









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This is the story of Victims of War, of de-humanizing abuse. While the popular press continue to focus on the power plays of warlords and factions on the ground, the people of Syria continue to suffer, continue to be sidelined, continue to be exposed to the fall out of conflict.

Spread awareness of this continuing issue. Demand that the commercial press headline the story and do not sweep it under the carpet. Rape is the shame of all supporting nations and all fighting factions. No matter the atrocities of conflict, rape should not and cannot be allowed to be a “weapon of war” only through your action will this story be headlined, and through awareness public pressure will fall on all parties either directly involved in the fighting, or indirectly in the global support networks  for allowing war in the region to continue, either for commercial gain or general lack of interest and disdain.





رسالة في الرمال Message in the Sand – Syria Conflict

TRACK LIST: Performed in Farsi, Arabic, English and French

01 Apocalypse Now يأتي سفر الرؤيا
02 Message in the Sand رسالة في الرمال
03 War is not the Answer الحرب ليست هي الحل

04 Hegira هجرة
05 Refugee لاجئ
06 Transit Camp Cattle Market السوق
07 Zaghrota زغروطة

08 Flower in the Desert زهرة في الصحراء
09 Contemptuous Eulogy مديح للازدراء
10 New Life حياة جديدة

message in the sand amended cover3

The Album follows the journey of refugees out of war torn Syria into the border region camps and finally passing into Iran before resettlement as part of the refugee relief program. Based on and around real story’s and events the Album aims to raise awareness largely ignored and taboo subject of the plight of Refugees. While all Media focuses on the Political Religious Sectarian disputes in the conflict Message in the Sand focuses on the flight, traffic and journey of the victims of war, the people. both in the War Zone through to the Camps, and finally to the current Journey’s end, (re-housed overseas)

The story of the victims of War is a constant global issue. The album could have been focused on any number of conflicts, Chechnya or Yugoslavia, or Rwanda and many many other places. It has happened in history time and time again,. Syria is currently the battleground of warlords and power seekers and there story commands the Media. It is for this reason that the Story centers on Syria’s refugees, the silenced ones, the discarded, the ignored.

This Album is not an attempt to judge, take sides, claim right and wrong, be Political in anyway.

The unfortunate truth for the Refugee is that often there is as much danger in fleeing a war as in being a victim of the conflict on the field. Music is the universal language that all people speak and it is this hope that the message in the sand will be carried forward to all.




FISHINABOX RECORDS excerpt their right under section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 to discuss all aspects of the Fur trade industry, source material, comment on this project and all content under the context of “fair comment and criticism”.

DISCLAIMER: Links to information on sites other than those operated by FISHINABOX RECORDS are for your convenience only and are not an endorsement or recommendation of those sites. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not control or provide any content or information at these sites, makes no representation or warranty of any kind with respect to these sites or their content, and does not maintain, operate, or take responsibility for information provided. FISHINABOX RECORDS does not endorse and is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of such content or information and any use thereof is solely at the user’s risk.